[1]IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(影响因子6.5), 期刊主编,1995 – 2000
[2]IEEE Industrial Electronics学会,执行委员会终身委员
[3]IEEE William E. Newell Power Electron.奖评审委员会主席
[4]IEEE Industrial Electronics学会,会士委员会主席
[5]IEEE Industrial Electronics学会,奖项评审委员会主席
[6]IEEE Industrial Application学会IPCC奖项提名及评审委员会主席
[7]IEEE IAS Industrial Power Converter委员会委员,1988
[8]IEEE IAS Industrial Drives委员会委员,1989
[12]IEEE Industrial Electronics年度大会,大会主席,1997–2003
1967.09-1969.07 布伦瑞克工业大学, 电气工程专业,德国,获博士学位
1962.09-1967.07 布伦瑞克工业大学, 电气工程专业,德国,获硕士学位
1969-1971 印度理工学院,副教授
1971-1972 印度理工学院控制工程实验室,教授、主任
1972-1975 德国西门子埃尔朗根研究所新交通技术项目组,主任
1976-1998 德国伍珀塔尔大学电机控制与驱动研究所,教授、主任
1998-至今 德国伍珀塔尔大学电机控制与驱动研究所,名誉教授、顾问
2003-2005 智利费德里科圣玛利亚理工大学,客座教授
2023-至今 北京科技大学机械工程学院,讲席教授
[1]IEEE IES, Anthony J. Hornfeck奖章,2007
[2]IEEE“蓝姆”金质奖章, 2000
[3]IEEE千禧奖章, 2000
[4]IEEE威廉•E•纽厄尔电力电子技术奖章, 1998
[5]IEEE IAS杰出成就奖章, 1997
[6]IEEE IES Ing Eugene Mittlmann博士成就奖章, 1995
[8]IEEE会士, 1993
[9]IEEE终身会士, 2011
[1]1977年在论文“Self-Commutated Three-Phase Inverters with Staircase Voltage Waveforms for High-Power Applications at Low Switching Frequency (in German)”中首次提出三电平逆变器。
[2]1983年获得三电平逆变器的专利授权“Self-Controlled Inverter. German Patent DE 23 39 034 C2.”该专利同时在日本获得授权保护。
[1]A. Busse, J. Holtz, “A Digital Space Vector Modulator for the Control of a Three-Phase Power Converter”, VDE-Conf. Microelektronics for Inverters and Elektrical Drives, Darmstadt/Germany (1982), pp. 189-195.
[1]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “Optimal Synchronous Pulsewidth Modulation with a Trajectory
Tracking Scheme for High Dynamic Performance”, Applied Power Electronics Conference APEC, Boston/Ma. (1992), pp. 147-154.
[2]Method and Apparatus for the Generation of Switching State Signals from a Reference
Space Vector. European Patent 0 504 449 B1 (1995).
[3]Pulsewidth Modulation Method for a Multilevel Inverter. European Patent 909 008 55.9. Patents also granted in Spain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Japan, USA (1989).
[4]Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for Multilevel Inverter Systems. European Patent EP 2312 739 A1, granted in Europe, Brazil (2013).
[1]J. Holtz, S. Stadtfeld, “A Predictive Controller for the Stator Current Vector of AC Machines Fed from a Switched Voltage Source”, International Power Electronics Conference IPEC, Tokyo (1983), pp. 1665-1675.
[1]Circuit Arrangement for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Propelled by a Synchronous Linear Motor. German Patent DT 24 44 679 C3.(专利授权地:德国、加拿大、法国、瑞典、瑞士、日本、前苏联、美国)
[1]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Position Control of Induction Motors – an Emerging Technology”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 6, 1998, pp. 840-852.
[2]Method and Apparatus for Sensorless Position Measurement of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor.(欧洲专利)
[1]Method and Apparatus for the Identification of the Fundamental Current Space Vector from a Measured Stator Current Space Vector.(欧洲专利)
[2]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Estimation of the Fundamental Current in Low Switching Frequency High-Dynamic Medium Voltage Drives”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans/GA., Sept. 24-28, 2007.
• 磁悬浮列车
[1]Synchronous Linear Motor Drive for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle, especially for a Magnetic Train. German Patent DT 23 57 147 C3.(专利授权地:德国、加拿大、法国、瑞典、瑞士、日本、前苏联、美国)
[1]2008 J. Holtz, N. Oikonomou, “Fast Dynamic Control of Medium Voltage Drives operating at Very Low Switching Frequency – an Overview”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, March 2008, pp. 1005-1013.
[2]2008 J. Holtz, N. Oikonomou, “Estimation of the Fundamental Current in Low Switching Frequency High-Dynamic Medium Voltage Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Ind.Appl., Vol. 44, No. 5, Sept/Oct. 2008, pp. 1597-1605.
[3]2007 J. Holtz, N. Oikonomou, “Neutral Point Potential Balancing Algorithm at Low Modulation Index for Three-Level Inverter Medium Voltage Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Ind.Appl., Vol. 43, No. 3, May/June 2007, pp. 761-768.
[4]2006 J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Machines – with or without Signal Injection?”,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 7-30.
[5]2003 J. Holtz and J. Quan, “Drift and Parameter Compensated Flux Estimator for Persistent Zero Stator Frequency Operation of Sensorless Controlled Induction Motors”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Appl., Vol. 39, No. 4, July/Aug. 2003, pp. 1052-1060.
[1]R. Kennel, T. Boller, J. Holtz, “Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems with Power Electronics: A Powerful Simulation Tool”, in “Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications”. John Wiley, IEEE Press Book, 2014.
[2]J. Holtz: Pulsewidth Modulation for Electronic Power Conversion; in B. K. Bose (Editor) “Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives”. IEEE Press Book, 1996, also published in Chinese by China University of Mining and Technology Press, 1999.
[3]J. Holtz: Methods for Speed Sensorless Control of AC Drives; in K. Rajashekara (Editor) “Sensorless Control of AC Motors”. IEEE Press Book, 1996.
[4]J. Holtz: Pulsewidth Modulation - A Survey; in P. A. Thollot (Editor) “Power Electronics Technology and Applications”, IEEE Technology Update Series, 1993.
[5]J. Holtz: A Comparison of Optimal PWM Methods; in G. K. Dubey (Editor) “Power Electronics and Drives”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1993.
[6]J. Holtz, U. Schwellenberg, “Controlled Rectifiers with Reduced Voltage Ripple”, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 1981.
[1]J. Holtz, “Nachbildung einer Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung auf dem Digitalrechner”, ETZ-A (1968), pp. 438-439.
[2]J. Holtz, “Digitalrechenprogramm zur Nachbildung einer Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung”, ETZ-A (1969), pp. 195-199.
[3]J. Holtz, “Über den Einsatz des Digitalrechners bei der Nachbildung statischer und dynamischer Vorgänge in Verbundnetzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Hochspannungs-Gleichstromübertragung”, Diss. TU Braunschweig (1969).
[4]J. Holtz, “Ein Rechenprogramm zur Nachbildung statischer und dynamischer Vorgänge in Synchronmaschinen unter Berücksichtigung der Eisensättigung”, ETZ-Report Nr. 2, VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin (1970).
[5]J. Holtz, “Ein mathemisches Modell für Synchronmaschinen”, ETZ-A Bd. 91 (1970), pp. 582-583.
[6]J. Holtz, “Ein neues Zündsteuerverfahren für Stromrichter am schwachen Netz”, ETZ-A (1970), pp. 345-348.
[7]J. Holtz, “Die Minimierung der Wechselstromverluste in Hochleistungsluftspulen aus Bandleitern”, Archiv für Elektrotechnik (1974), pp. 128-136.
[8]J. Holtz, “Kraftkomponenten und deren betriebliche Steuerung beim eisenlosen Synchronlinearmotor”, ETZ-A (1975), pp. 396-400.
[9]J. Holtz, “Parameterabhängigkeit der Kräfte und der Betriebsreaktanz des eisenlosen Synchronlinearmotors”, Siemens Research and Development Reports, Vol. 7, Springer 1976, pp. 39-46.
[10]J. Holtz, F. Gloel, “Difference-Flux Guidance System for Magnetically Levitated Vehicles”, Siemens Research and Development Reports, Vol. 7, Springer 1976, pp. 85-91.
[11]J. Holtz, “Self-Commutated Three-Phase Inverters with Staircase Voltage Waveforms for High-Power Applications at Low Switching Frequency (in German) ”, Siemens Research and Development Reports, Vol. 6, No. 3, Springer 1977, pp. 164-171.
[12]Venkataraman, B. Ramaswami, J. Holtz, “Electronic Analogue Slip Calculator for Induction Motor Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Electronics and Control Instrumentation, IECI-27 (1980), pp. 110-116.
[13]B. Ramaswami, R. Venkataraman, J. Holtz, “Design of a Variable Speed Induction Motor Drive with a Current Fed Inverter”, Journal Electrical Machines and Electromechanics, Vol. 5, (1980), pp. 523-541.39.
[14]J. Holtz, U. Schwellenberg, “Gesteuerte Gleichrichter mit weitem Stellbereich und geringer Welligkeit der Ausgangsspannung”, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 103 pages, (1981).
[15]J. Holtz, H.-P. Wurm, “A New Type of Voltage Fed Inverter for the Megawatt Range”, Elektrische Bahnen, Bd. 80 (1982), pp. 214-221.
[16]J. Holtz, S. Stadtfeld, H.-P. Wurm, “A Novel PWM Technique Minimizing the Peak Inverter Current at Steady-State and Transient Operation”, Elektrische Bahnen, Bd. 81, (1983), pp. 55-61.
[17]J. Holtz, U. Schwellenberg, “A New Fast-Response Current Control Scheme for Line Controlled Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (1983), Vol. IA-19, No. 4, pp. 579-585.
[18]A. Busse, J. Holtz, “Ein Konzept für wirtschaftliche Transistorumrichter bis 100 kVA zur Speisung von Drehstrom-Normmotoren”, Der Elektroniker (1984), Heft 10, pp. 60-66.
[19]K. Pavithran, R. Parimelalagan, G. Sridhara Rao, J. Holtz, “Optimum Design of an Induction Motor for Operation with Current Source Inverters”, IEE Proceedings B, Electric Power Applications (1987), pp. 1-8.
[20]J. Holtz, S. F. Salama, K.-H. Werner, “Verlustfreie und aufwandarme Entlastungsschaltung für Pulsumrichter mit Abschaltthyristoren”, etz-Archiv (1987), pp. 211-217.
[21]J. Holtz, P. Lammert, W. Lotzkat, “High-Speed Drive System with Ultrasonic MOSFET-PWM-Inverter and Single-Chip Microprocessor Control”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (1987), Vol“, IA-23, No. 6, pp. 1010-1015.
[22]J. Holtz, W. Lotzkat, K.-H. Werner, “A High-Power Multi Transistor-Inverter Uninterruptable Power Supply System”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 3. (1988), pp. 278-285.
[23]J. Holtz and H.-J. Klein, “The Propagation of Harmonic Currents Generated by Inverter-Fed Locomotives in the Distributed Overhead Supply System”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (1989), Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 168-174.
[24]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, S. Stadtfeld, “Beanspruchungen in Frequenzumrichtern mit ungesteuerter Einspeiseschaltung im stationären Betrieb und beim Auftreten von impulsförmigen Netzüberspannungen nach VDE 160”, etz-Archiv (1989), pp. 168-178.
[25]A. M. Khambadkone and J. Holtz, “Fast Current Control for Low Harmonic Distortion at Low Switching Frequency”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Elec., Vol. 45, No. 5, Oct. 1998. pp. 745-751.
[26]J. Holtz and U. Boelkens, “Direct Frequency Converter with Sinusoidal Line Currents for Speed Variable AC Motors”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (1989), pp. 475-479.
[27]J. Holtz, S. F. Salama, K.-H. Werner, “A Nondissipative Snubber Circuit for High-Power GTO-Inverters”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (1989), pp. 620-626.
[28]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, “Experimental Identification of the Resonance Conditions in the Overhead Supply Line of Electric Railways”, Elektrische Bahnen (1990), pp. 20-28.
[29]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, “Adaptive Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for the Line-Side Converter of Electric Locomotives”, Elektrische Bahnen, Schwerpunktheft Leistungselektronik im Traktionsbereich (1990), pp. 116-121.
[30]J. Holtz, “PWM Inverter Control by Real-Time Optimization”, Invited Paper, Journal of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India (1991), pp. 74-80.
[31]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, “On-line Identification of the Resonance Conditions in the Overhead Supply Line of Electric Railways”, Invited Paper, Archiv für Elektrotechnik (1990), pp. 99-106.
[32]S. Stadtfeld, W. Lotzkat, J. Holtz, “Unterbrechungsfreier Betrieb von Drehstromantrieben”, Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift etz, Vol. 12 (1991), pp. 272-277.
[33]D. Antic, J. Holtz, “High-Efficiency Dual Transistor Base Drive Circuit Based on the Cuk Converter Topology”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (1991), pp. 161-165.
[34]J. Holtz and K.-H. Werner, “Multi-Inverter UPS System with Redundant Load Sharing Control”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (1991), pp. 504-513.
[35]J. Holtz, E. Bube, “Field Oriented Asynchronous Pulse-Width Modulation for High Performance AC Machine Drives Operating at Low Switching Frequency”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (1991), pp. 574-581.
[36]J. Holtz, Th. Thimm, “Identification of the Machine Parameters in a Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (1991), pp. 1111-1118.
[37]Holtz, A. Khambadkone, “Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive with a Self-Commissioning Scheme”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (1991), pp. 322-327.
[38]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “Off-Line Optimized Synchronous Pulsewidth Modulation with On-Line Control during Transients”, European Power Electronics Journal (1991), pp. 193-200.
[39]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, “Adaptive Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for the Line-Side Converter of Electric Locomotives”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (1992), pp. 205-211.
[40]J. Holtz, W. Lotzkat and S. Stadtfeld, “Unterbrechungsfrei durch dynamische Regelung”, Technische Rundschau, Vol. 84. No. 19, (1992), pp. 70-73.
[41]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, “Suppression of Time-Varying Resonances in the Power Supply of AC Traction Drives by Inverter Control”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 39, No. 3, June 1992, pp. 223-229.
[42]A. Khambadkone, J. Holtz, “Low Switching Frequency High Dynamic Pulsewidth Modulation Based on Field Orientation for High-Power Inverter Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 7, No. 4, Oct. 1992, pp. 627-632.
[43]J. Holtz, “Pulsewidth Modulation - A Survey”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Oct. 1992, pp. 410-420.
[44]J. Holtz, W. Lotzkat and S. Stadtfeld, “Netzausfallsicherer Drehstromregelantrieb”, Jahrbuch Elektrotechnik, VDE Verlag, Berlin-Offenbach 1992.
[45]J. Holtz, L. Springob, “Reduced Harmonics PWM Controlled Line-Side Converter for Electric Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 1993, Vol 29, No. 4, pp. 814-819.
[46]J. Holtz, “On the Performance of Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation Techniques”, European Power Electronics Journal (1993), pp. 17-26.
[47]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “Optimal Synchronous Pulsewidth Modulation with a Trajectory Tracking Scheme for High Dynamic Performance”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 29, No. 6 (1994), pp. 1098-1105.
[48]J. Holtz, J.-O. Krah, “Elimination of Current Har-monics in the Catenary of AC Traction Systems (in German, “Elimination netzseitiger Stromoberschwingungen bei Traktionsantrieben”, Elektrische Bahnen 1993, pp. 247-254.
[49]J. Holtz, W. Lotzkat and A. Khambadkone, “On Continuous Control of PWM Inverters in the Overmodulation Range with Transition to the Six-Step Mode”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 4. Oct. 1993, pp. 546-553.
[50]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “The Trajectory Tracking Approach – A New Method for Minimum Distortion PWM in Dynamic High-Power Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 30, No. 4, July/Aug. 1994, pp. 1048-1057.
[51]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for AC Servos and Low-Cost Industrial Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 30, No. 4, July/Aug. 1994, pp. 1039-1047.
[52]J. Holtz, “Pulsewidth Modulation for Electronic Power Converters”, Invited Paper, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 82, No. 8, Aug. 1994, pp. 1194-1214.
[53]J. Holtz, W. Lotzkat, S. Stadtfeld, “Controlled AC Drives with Ride-Through Capability at Power Interruption”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 30, No. 5, Sept./Oct. 1994, pp. 1275-1283.
[54]J. Holtz, “The Representation of AC Machine Dynamics by Complex Signal Flow Graphs”, Invited Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 42, No. 3, 1995, pp. 263-271.
[55]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “Fast Current Trajectory Tracking Control Based on Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 31, No. 5, Sept./Oct. 1995, pp. 1110-1120.
[56]J.-O. Krah, J. Holtz, “Total Compensation of Line-Side Switching Harmonics in Converter-Fed AC Locomotives”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1995, Vol. 31, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1995, pp. 1264-1273.
[57]J. Holtz, “State of the Art of Controlled AC Drives without Speed Sensor”, Invited Paper, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 80, No. 2, 1996, pp. 249-263.
[58]J. Holtz, L. Springob, “Identification and Compensation of Torque Ripple in High-Precision Permanent Magnet Motor Drives”, Invited Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1996, pp. 309-320.
[59]J. Holtz, “On the Spatial Propagation of Transient Magnetic Fields in AC Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 32, No. 4, July/Aug. 1996, pp. 927-937.
[60]J. Jiang, J. Holtz, “High Dynamic Speed Sensorless AC Drive with On-Line Parameter Tuning and Steady-State Accuracy”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 2, 1997, pp. 240-246.
[61]L. Springob, J. Holtz, “High-Bandwidth Current Control for Torque Ripple Compensation in PM Synchronous Machines”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 5, 1998, pp. 713-721.
[62]A. M. Khambadkone, J. Holtz, “Fast Current Control for Low Harmonic Distortion at Low Switching Frequency”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 5, 1998, pp. 745-751.
[63]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Position Control of Induction Motors – an Emerging Technology”, Overview Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 6, 1998, pp. 840-852.
[64]J. Holtz, M. Stamm, “Gate-Assisted Forward Recovery of High-Power GTOs in a Series Resonant DC Link Inverter IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics”, Vol. 14, No. 2, March 1999, pp. 227-232.
[65]Y. Lou, J. Holtz: Compensation of Nonlinearities in Industrial Robot Manipulators by On-Line Learning Multilayer Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 46, 1999.
[66]J.-O. Krah, J. Holtz, “High-Performance Current Regulation and Efficient PWM Implementation for Low Inductance Servo Motors”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 35, No. 5, Sept/Oct. 1999, pp. 1039-1049.
[67]R. P. Burgos, E. P. Wiechmann, J. Holtz, “Sequential Connection and Phase-Control of a High-Current Rectifier for Copper Electrowinning Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 4, Aug. 2000, pp. 734-743.
[68]J. Jiang, J. Holtz, “An Efficient Braking Method for Controlled AC Drives with a Diode Rectifier Front End”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 37, Sept./Oct. 2001, pp. 1299-1307.
[69]A. Khambadkone, J. Holtz, “Compensated Synchronous PI Current Controller in Overmodulation Range and Six-Step Operation of Space Vector Modulation Based Vector Controlled Drives”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 3, June. 2002, pp. 574-580.
[70]J. Holtz and J. Quan, “Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motors at Very Low Speed using a Nonlinear Inverter Model and Parameter Identification”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 38, No. 4, July/Aug 2002, pp. 1087-1095.
[71]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Motors”, Invited Paper, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 90, No. 8, Aug. 2002, pp. 1358-1394.
[72]J. Holtz and J. Quan, “Drift and Parameter Compensated Flux Estimator for Persistent Zero Stator Frequency Operation of Sensorless Controlled Induction Motors”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 39, No. 4, July/Aug. 2003, pp. 1052-1060.
[73]D. Hansen, J. Holtz and R. Kennel, “Cutter Distance Sensors for an Adaptive Position/Torque Control”, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 5, Oct. 2003, pp. 33-39.
[74]E. P. Wiechmann, R. P. Burgos, J. Holtz, “Active Front-End Converter for Medium-Voltage Current-Source Drives using Sequential-Sampling Synchronous Space Vector Modulation”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 6, Dec. 2003, pp. 1275-1289.
[75]D. Hansen, J. Holtz and R. Kennel, “Close Contact Cross Cutter knives”, IEEE Industrial Applications Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 5, 2003, pp. 33-39.
[76]J. Holtz and H. Pan, “Elimination of Saturation Effects in Sensorless Position Controlled Induction Motors”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 40, March/April 2004, pp. 623-631.
[77]J. Holtz, “Controlled Induction Motors without Speed Sensor”, Invited Paper, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrotechnical Review), Poland, Vol. 7-8, 2004, pp. 653-668.
[78]J. Holtz, J. Quan, J. Pontt, J. Rodriguez, P. Newman and M. Miranda, “Design of Fast and Robust Current Regulators for Medium Voltage Drives Based on Complex State Variables”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2004, pp. 1388-1397.
[79]J. Holtz and H. Pan, “Acquisition of Rotor Anisotropy Signals in Sensorless Position Control Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2004, pp. 1377-1387.
[80]R. Burgos, E. Wiechmann, and J. Holtz, “Complex State Space Modelling and Nonlinear Control of Active Front End Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52, No. 2, April 2005, pp. 363-377.
[81]M. Linke, O. C. Ferreira, R. Kennel, J. Holtz, “Sensorless Speed and Position Control of Synchronous Machines using Alternating Carrier Injection”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2005.
[82]J. Holtz and J. Juliet, “Sensorless Acquisition of the Rotor Position Angle of Induction Motors with Arbitrary Stator Windings”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2005, pp. 1675-1682.
[83]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Motors”, Guest Editorial, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 5-6.
[84]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Machines – with or without Signal Injection? ”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 7-30.
[85]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Synchronous Machine Drives”, Guest Editorial, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 2, April 2006, pp. 350-351.
[86]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation and Stator Flux Trajectory Control for Medium Voltage Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 43, No. 2, March/April 2007, pp. 600-608.
[87]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Neutral Point Potential Balancing Algorithm at Low Modulation Index for Three-Level Inverter Medium Voltage Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 43, No. 3, May/June 2007, pp. 761-768.
[88]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Closed-Loop Control of Medium Voltage Drives operated with Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 44, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2008, pp. 115 -123.
[89]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Fast Dynamic Control of Medium Voltage Drives operating at Very Low Switching Frequency – an Overview”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, March 2008, pp. 1005-1013.
[90]J. Holtz, “Acquisition of Position Error and Magnet Polarity for Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 44, No. 4, July/Aug. 2008, pp. 1172-1180.
[91]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Estimation of the Fundamental Current in Low Switching Frequency High-Dynamic Medium Voltage Drives”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 44, No. 5, Sept/Oct. 2008, pp. 1597-1605.
[92]J. Pontt, J. Rodriguez, P. Newman, A. Liendo and J. Holtz, “ Network-Friendly Low Switching Frequency High-Power Three-Level PWM Rectifier”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 4, April 2009, pp.1254-1262.
[93]H. Abu-Rub, J. Holtz, J. Rodriguez, and G. Baoming, “Medium Voltage Drives – State of the Art, Challenges and Requirements for Industrial Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 8, Aug. 2010, pp. 2581-2596.
[94]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Optimal Control of a Dual Three-Level Inverter System for Medium-Voltage Drives”, Best Transactions Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 46, No. 3, May/June 2010, pp. 1034-1041.
[95]A. Rathore, J. Holtz, and T. Boller, “Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for Low Switching Frequency Control of Medium-Voltage Multilevel Inverters”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2010, pp. 2374-2381.
[96]J. Holtz, “Power Electronics – A Continuing Challenge”, IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2011, pp.6-19.
[97]J. Holtz, “Optimal PWM Control of Medium Voltage Drives – An Overview”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 60, No. 12, Dec. 2013, pp. 5472- 5481.
[98]T. Boller, A. Rathore, and J. Holtz, “Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation of a Dual Three-Level Inverter System Operated from a Single DC Link”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 48, No. 5, May 2012, pp. 1610-1615.
[99]T. Boller, A. Rathore, and J. Holtz, “Generalized Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation of Multilevel Inverters for Low Switching Frequency Control of Medium Voltage High Power Industrial AC Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 60, No. 10, 2013, pp. 4215-4224.
[100]J. Holtz, M. Höltgen, and J. O. Krah, “Space Vector Modulator for High Switching Frequency Control of Three-Level SiC Inverters”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, No. 5, May 2014, pp. 2618-2626.
[101]T. Boller, J. Holtz, and A. Rathore, “Neutral Point Potential Balancing Using Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation of Multilevel Inverters in Medium Voltage High Power AC Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 50, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2014, pp. 549-557.
[102]J. Holtz, G. da Cunha N. Petry, and P. J.Torri, “Control of Large Salient Pole Synchronous Machines using Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation”, Open Access Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, No. 6, June 2015, pp. 3372-3379.
[103]A. Edpugnanti, A. K. Rathore and J. Holtz, “New Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for Single DC-Link Dual Inverter Fed Open-End Stator Winding Induction Motor Drives”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 8, Aug. 2015, pp. 4386-4393.
[104]J. Holtz, “Advanced Pulsewidth Modulation and Predictive Control – An Overview”, Invited Paper, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2015, pp. 3837-3844.
[105]X. Qi and J. Holtz, “The Relationship between Root Locus and Transient Field Components of AC Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 3, March 2020, pp. 1836-1843.
[106]J. Holtz, “Event Driven Control of Voltage and Current Gradients of Medium Voltage IGBTs”, accepted IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Early Access, 2019.
[107]J. Holtz, “Complex State Variables as Analytical Tool for Control System Design of Medium Voltage Drives”, Invited Paper, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.1824-1832.
[108]J. Holtz, “Predictive Finite-State Control – when to use and when not? ”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 4, April 2022, pp.4225-4232.
[109]X. Qi and J.• Holtz, “A Novel Low Switching Frequency Predictive Control on 3-L Inverter based Induction Motor Drive with Dynamic Model Compensation”, Electrical Engineering
[110]Wilkening, Krah, J. Randerath, J. Holtz, “Modular System Architechture for Large Multi-Axis Motion Control Systems”, PCIM EUROP 2022.
[111]T. Schmidt, “High-Performance Control Architechture for for Automatic Drives Based on a Low-Cost Mirocontroller in Combination with a Low-Cost FGPA”, PCIM EUROP 2021.
[112]J. O. Krah, T. Schmidt, J holtz, “Predictive urrent ontrol with Synchronous Optimal Pulse atterns”, P
[113]T. Wilkening, J. Randerath, M Avendano, J. Holtz, Jens Onno Krah, “Modular System Architecture for Large Multi-Axis Motion Control Systems in Automation”, PCIM EUROP 2022.
[114]J. Randerath, J. O. Krah, J. Holtz, “Inverter-Integrated Acquisition of the Current Through the DC-Link Based on the Measured DC-Link Voltage”,PCIM Europe, 2023.
[115]T. Schmidt. F. Heinzelmann, J. Holtz, and J. O. Krah, “Fault-Tolerant Regenerative Sensorless Braking of PMAC MotorsEnables Degraded Mode of Operation for Functional Safety”, PCIM Europe 2022.
[116]T. Schmidt. J. Holtz, and J. O. Krah, “ Mixed Critical Resolver-to-Digital Conversion for Safety-Related Servo Drive Applications”, PCIM Europe 2023.
[117]Xin Qi, C. Wang; Y. Zhang, and J. Holtz, “Model Predictive Power Control Rectifier at Low Switching Frequency Operation with Disturbance Rejection”, Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, 2024.
[1]J. Holtz, “ Der Zweikomponentenmotor - Schnellbahnantrieb und Stellglied zur aktiven Dämpfung des Schwebesystems”, 3. BMFT-Statusseminar, Bundesforschungsauftrag NTö 53, Berlin (1974).
[2]J. Holtz, “Das Betriebsverhalten von Synchronlinearmotoren bei direkter Netzspeisung”, 3. BMFT-Statusseminar, Bundesforschungsauftrag NTö, Berlin (1974).
[3]J.Holtz, “Entwurfskriterien für einen eisenlosen Synchronlinearmotor zum Antrieb von Magnetschwebebahnen”, 4. BMFT-Statusseminar, Bundesforschungs-auftrag NTö, Schliersee (1975).
[4]J.Holtz, “Elektrodynamisches Schwebefahrzeug mit integriertem Antriebs- und Spurführungssystem”, 4. BMFT-Statusseminar, Bundesforschungsauftrag NTö 53, Schliersee (1975).
[5]J. Gibson, J. Holtz, S. Lingaya, “Control of a Linear Synchronous Motor for Magnetically Levitated Vehicles”, IFAC-IFIP-IFORS Third International Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Columbus/Ohio (1976), pp. 143-152.
[6]J. Holtz, H.-P. Wurm, “A Dynamic Model for the Simulation of the Switching Properties of Thyristors”, Proc. International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM, Athens (1980), pp. 1152-1164.
[7]J. Holtz, U. Schwellenberg, “A New Fast-Response Current Control Scheme for Line Controlled Converters”, IEEE International Semiconductor Power Conference ISPCC Orlando/Florida (1982), pp. 175-183.
[8]J. Holtz, W. Reese, “Stability Analysis of a Current-Fed Inverter Drive with Air-Gap Voltage Feed-Back”, International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM, Budapest (1982), pp. 222-225.
[9]A. Busse, J. Holtz, “Multiloop Control of a Unity Power Factor Fast-Switching AC to DC Converter”, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, June 14-17,1982, Cambridge/Ma., pp. 171-179.
[10]A. Busse, J. Holtz, “A Digital Space Vector Modulator for the Control of a Three-Phase Power Converter”, VDE-Konferenz Mikroelektronik in der Stromrichtertechnik und bei elektrischen Antrieben, Darmstadt (1982), pp. 189-195.
[11]J. Holtz, S. Stadtfeld, “A Predictive Controller for the Stator Current Vector of AC Machines Fed from a Switched Voltage Source”, International Power Electronics Conference IPEC, Tokyo (1983), pp. 1665-1675.
[12]J. Holtz, S. Stadtfeld, “Field-Oriented Control by Forced Motor Currents in a Voltage Fed Inverter Drive”, 3. IFAC Symposium „Control in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives“, Lausanne (1983), pp. 103-110.
[13]J. Holtz, “A Pulsed UPS System with High Short Circuit Current Capability”, IEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives, London (1984), pp. 71-74.
[14]J. Holtz, S. Stadtfeld, “An Economic Very High Power PWM Inverter for Induction Motor Drives”, First European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Brussels (1985), pp. 3.75-3.80.
[15]J. Holtz, S. Stadtfeld, “A PWM Inverter Drive System with On-Line Optimized Pulse Patterns”, First European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Brussels (1985), pp. 3.21-3.25.
[16]J. Holtz, S. Stadtfeld, W. Lotzkat, “Pulse Width Modulation - Methods and Performance”, International Seminar on Electronics INTRONICS 85, New Delhi (1985), pp. I 2129.
[17]J. Holtz, W. Lotzkat, K.-H. Werner, “A High-Power Multi Transistor-Inverter Uninterruptable Power Supply System”, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC, 1986 Record, Vancouver - Canada, pp. 311 - 320.
[18]J. Holtz, S. F. Salama, “High-Power Transistor PWM Inverter Drive with Complete Switching Energy Recovery”, ICEM International Conference on Electrical Machines, München (1986), pp. 995 - 998.
[19]J. Holtz, P. Lammert, W. Lotzkat, “High-Speed Drive System with Ultrasonic MOSFET-PWM-Inverter and Single-Chip Microprocessor Control”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Denver/Co. (1986), pp. 12-17.
[20]J. Holtz, U. Boelkens, “Three-Phase Static Frequency Changer with Quasi-Sinusoidal Line Currents for AC Drive Applications”, Beijing International Conference on Electrical Machines BICEM, Beijing - China (1987), pp. 403-406.
[21]J. Holtz and H.-J. Klein, “The Propagation of Harmonic Currents Generated by Inverter-Fed Locomotives in the Distributed Overhead Supply System”, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Grenoble (1987), pp. 1239-1244.
[22]J. Holtz, S. F. Salama, K.-H. Werner, “A Nondissipative Snubber Circuit for High-Power GTO-Inverters”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta/Ga. (1987), pp. 613-618.
[23]J. Holtz, S. F. Salama, “Megawatt GTO-Inverter with Three-Level PWM Control and Regenerative Snubber Circuits”, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC, Kyoto - Japan (1988), pp. 1263-1270.
[24]J. Holtz, “Methoden der Energieumwandlung und Regelverfahren für Drehstromantriebe”, Fachveranstaltung Moderne Antriebstechnik, Haus der Technik, Essen (1988).
[25]J. Holtz, “Ausblick auf künftige Entwicklungen bei Drehstromantrieben”, Fachveranstaltung Moderne Antriebstechnik, Haus der Technik, Essen (1988).
[26]W. Lotzkat, “Steuerverfahren für Pulswechselrichter”, Fachveranstaltung Moderne Antriebstechnik, Haus der Technik, Essen (1988).
[27]J. Holtz, S. F. Salama, “A 20 KW Ultrasonic MOSFET PWM Inverter Operated from a 550 Volt DC Link”, PCI/MOTORCON International Conference on Power Electronics und Electronic Motion Control, Munich (1988), pp. 1-9.
[28]J. Holtz, E. Bube, “Field Oriented Asynchronous Pulse-Width Modulation for High Performance AC Machine Drives Operating at Low Switching Frequency”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh/Pa. (1988), pp. 412-417.
[29]J. Holtz, Th. Thimm, “Identification of the Machine Parameters in a Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, San Diego (1989), pp. 601-606.
[30]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, “On-line Identification of the Resonance Conditions in the Overhead Supply Line of Electric Railways”, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Aachen (1989), pp. 385-390.
[31]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, “Adaptive Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for the Line-Side Converter of Electric Locomotives”, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Aachen (1989), pp. 567-572.
[32]S. F. Salama, J. Holtz, “The Ring-Emitter Transistor - a 20 kHz High-Current Switch for PWM Inverter Applications”, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Aachen (1989), pp. 154-158.
[33]J. Holtz, “Estado del la Tecnología y Aplicación de Convertidores de Alta Potencia basados en GTO’s”, Invited Paper, VIII Congreso Chileno de Ingenería Eléctrica, Concepción - Chile (1989).
[34]J. Holtz and K.-H. Werner, “Multi-Inverter UPS System with Redundant Load Sharing Control”, IECON 15th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Philadelphia/Pa. (1989), pp. 159-164.
[35]J. Holtz, L. Springob, “Reduced Harmonics PWM Controlled Line-Side Converter for Electric Drives”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Seattle/Wa (1990), pp. 959-964.
[36]J. Holtz, A. Khambadkone, “Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive with a Self-Commissioning Scheme”, IECON, 16th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Asilomar/Ca. (1990), pp. 927-932.
[37]Holtz, “PWM Inverter Control by Real Time Optimization”, Journal of IET, Vol. 37, No. 1, 1991. pp. 74-80
[38]S. Stadtfeld, W. Lotzkat, J. Holtz, “Netzausfallsichere Drehstromantriebe mit Pulsumrichtern”, 11. Internationale Fachtagung Industrielle Automatisierung - Automatisierte Antriebe, Chemnitz (1991), pp. B9-1 - B9-4.
[39]A. Khambadkone, J. Holtz, “Low Switching Frequency High-Power Inverter Drive Based on Field-Orientated Pulsewidth Control”, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Florence - Italy (1991), pp. 4/672-677.
[40]J. Holtz, “Pulsewidth Modulation Techniques in Motion Control”, Invited Paper, IEEE SICICI Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Control and Instrumentation, (1992), pp. 115-120.
[41]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “Optimal Synchronous Pulsewidth Modulation with a Trajectory Tracking Scheme for High Dynamic Performance”, Applied Power Electronics Conference APEC, Boston/Ma. (1992), pp. 147-154.
[42]J. Holtz, J. O. Krah, “Suppression of Time-Varying Resonances in the Power Supply of AC Traction Drives by Inverter Control”, International Symposium on Power Electronics, Seoul - Korea (1992), pp. 153-160.
[43]J. Holtz, “Pulsewidth Modulation - A Survey”, Invited Paper, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC, Toledo/Spain (1992), pp. 11-18.
[44]J. Holtz, “Ajuste Automatizado de Controladores en Accionamientos de Corriente Alterna Controlados por Orientación de Campo”, IV Seminario de Electrónica de Potencia, Valparaíso, Chile (1992).
[45]J. Holtz, “Informationsverarbeitung und Automatisierungsfunktionen bei geregelten Drehstromantrieben mit Asynchronmaschinen”, Invited Paper, 37. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau (1992), pp. 162-167.
[46]J. Holtz, L. Yaolong, “Compensation of Friction Torque in High-Performance Positioning Systems Using Neural Networks”, 37. Internationales Wissen-schaftliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau (1992), pp. 181-186.
[47]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for AC Servos and Low-Cost Industrial Drives”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Houston/Tx. (1992), pp. 1010-1017.
[48]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “The Trajectory Tracking Approach – A New Method for Minimum Distortion PWM in Dynamic High-Power Drives”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Houston/Tx. (1992), pp. 331-338.
[49]J. Holtz, W. Lotzkat and A. Khambadkone, “On Continuous Control of PWM Inverters in the Overmodulation Range with Transition to the Six-Step Mode”, IECON, 18th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, San Diego/Ca. (1992), pp. 307-312.
[50]L. Yaolong, J. Holtz, “Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks - Emerging Technologies in Motion Control”, Bergisches Seminar Robotik, Wuppertal (1992), pp. 69-75.
[51]A. Mahfouz, J. Holtz and A. El-Tobshy, “Development of an Integrated High Voltage 3-Level Converter-Inverter System with Sinusoidal Input-Output for Feeding 3-Phase Induction Motors”, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Brighton - UK (1993), pp. 134-139.
[52]J. Holtz, W. Lotzkat, “Controlled AC Drives with Ride-Through Capability at Power Failures”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Toronto (1993), pp. 629-636.
[53]J. Holtz, “Speed Estimation and Sensorless Control of AC Drives”, Invited Paper, IECON, 19th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Hawaii (1993), pp. 649-654.
[54]J. Rodríguez, A. Suárez, M. Sepúlveda and J. Holtz, “IGBT Inverter with Vector Modulation”, IEEE International Symposion on Industrial Electronics, Santiago de Chile, 1994, S. 131-136.
[55]J. Holtz, “The Dynamic Representation of AC Drive Systems by Complex Signal Flow Graphs”, Invited Plenary Paper, IEEE International Symposion on Industrial Electronics, Santiago de Chile, 1994, S. 1-6.
[56]L. Yaolong, J. Holtz, “Improving the Performance of Industrial Robot Manipulators by Neural Networks”, 20th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Bologna/Italy (1994), pp. 1265-1270.
[57]J. Holtz, M. Stamm, O. Stielau, “The Performance of High-Power GTOs as Zero Turn-Off Time Thyristors”, 20th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Bologna/Italy (1994), Vol. 1, pp. 112-117.
[58]H. Groschwitz, J. Holtz, “An Expert System on Transformer Design for Switched Mode Power Supplies”, 20th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Bologna/Italy (1994), pp. 1413-1418.
[59]J. Holtz, “The Induction Motor - A Dynamic System”, Invited Plenary Paper, 20th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Bologna/Italy (1994), pp. P1-P6.
[60]J. Holtz, B. Beyer, “Fast Current Trajectory Tracking Control Based on Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Denver/Co. (1994), pp. 734-741.
[61]J.-O. Krah, J. Holtz, “Total Compensation of Line-Side Switching Harmonics in Converter-Fed AC Locomotives”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Denver/Co. (1994), pp. 913-920.
[62]J. Holtz, “State of the Art of Controlled AC Drives without Speed Sensor”, Invited Plenary Paper, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems PEDS, Singapore (1995), pp. 1-6.
[63]J. Holtz, “On the Spatial Propagation of Transient Magnetic Fields in AC Machines”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Orlando/Fla., (1995), pp. 90-97.
[64]J. Jiang, J. Holtz, “Speed Sensorless AC Drive for High Dynamic Performance and Steady-State Accuracy”, 21th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Orlando/Fla., (1995), pp. 1029-1034.
[65]H. Pan, J. Jiang,and J.Holtz, “Decoupling Control and Parameter Identification of field Oriented Induction Motor with Saturation”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology,ICIT, (1996), pp. 757-761.
[66]J. Jiang, J. Holtz, “Accurate Estimation of Rotor Position and Speed of Induction Motors near Standstill”, Plenary Paper, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems PEDS, Singapore (1997), pp. 1-5.
[67]M. Ogasa, J. O. Krah, J. Holtz, “Harmonic Compensation for 50-Hz Fed AC Railway Vehicles”, IEEE Power Conversion Conference PCC Nagaoka, PCC Nagaoka (1997), pp. 57-62.
[68]H. Pan, L. Springob, J. Holtz, “Improving the Start and Restart Behavior through State Recognition of AC Drives”, IEEE Power Conversion Conference PCC Nagaoka, (1997), pp. 589-594.
[69]J. Holtz, M. Stamm, J. Thur and A. Linder, “High-Power Pulsewidth Controlled Current Source GTO Inverter for High Switching Frequency”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans/La., Oct. 1997, pp. 1330-1335.
[70]J. Holtz, J. Jiang and H. Pan, “Identification of Rotor Position and Speed of Standard Induction Motors at Low Speed including Zero Stator Frequency”, 23th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, New Orleans/La., Nov. 1997, pp. 971-976.
[71]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Position Control of Induction Motors”, Keynote Paper, 5th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Coimbra/Portugal, June 1998, pp. 1-14.
[72]L. Yaolong, J. Holtz and T. H. Lee, “Critical Implementation Issues of Compensation of Nonlinearities in Industrial Robot Manipulators by adaptive Multilayer Neural Networks”, American Control Conference, Philadelphia/PE., June 1998, pp. 2200-2202.
[73]D. Gebler, J. Holtz, “Identification and Compensation of Gear Backlash without Output Position Sensor in High-Precision Servo Systems”, 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Aachen/Germany, Sept. 1998, pp. 662-666.
[74]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Position Control of Induction Motors – an Emerging Technology”, Invited Plenary Paper, 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Aachen/Germany, Sept. 1998, pp“, I/1-I/12.
[75]J.-O. Krah, J. Holtz, “High-Performance Current Regulation for Low Inductance Servo Motors”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis/Mo., Oct. 1998, pp. 490-499.
[76]J.-O. Krah, J. Holtz, “Software Resolver to Digital Converter for High Performance Servo Drives”, PCIM Power Conversion and Intelligent Motion Conference, Nürnberg, June 1999.
[77]R. Rösner, J. Holtz, “Gate Drive Power Recovery and Regenerative Snubber Scheme for Series-Connected GTOs in High-Voltage Inverters”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Oct. 1999, pp. 1536-1513.
[78]R. P. Burgos, E. P. Wiechmann, J. Holtz, “Optimized Sequential Control for Electrowinning High-Current Phase Controlled Rectifiers”, 25th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, San Jose/Ca., Dec. 1999, pp. 241-246.
[79]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Position Control of Induction Motors”, Invited Paper, Workshop AC Drives Technology, Centro Produttivitá Veneto, Vicenza, Italy, May 5, 2000 pp. 1-22.
[80]J. Holtz, “Is Sensorless Position Control of Standard Induction Motors a Feasible Technology? ”, Invited Plenary Paper, International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Aug. 15-18, 2000, pp. 21-32.
[81]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Speed and Position Control of Induction Motors with Unrestricted Operation at Zero Stator Frequency”, Invited Plenary Paper, Seminario Annual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial y Instrumentación, Terrassa, Spain, Sept. 2000, pp. XV-XXII.
[82]J. Jiang, J. Holtz, “An Efficient Braking Method for Controlled AC Drives with a Diode Rectifier Front End”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Rome, Oct. 3-7, 2000, pp. 1446-1453.
[83]A. Khambadkone, J. Holtz, “Current Control in Overmodulation Range for Space Vector Modulation based Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives”, 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Nagoya, Oct. 22-28, 2000, pp. 1334-1339.
[84]J. Holtz, “Space Vector Representation of Transient Fields in AC Machines”, 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Nagoya, Oct. 22-28, 2000.
[85]J. Holtz and H. Pan, “Elimination of Saturation Effects in Sensorless Position Controled Induction Motors”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, (2002), Vol. 3, pp. 1695-1702.
[86]J. Holtz, “Dynamic Analysis and Sensorless Control of Induction Motors – A Tutorial”, 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Nagoya, IECON, Oct. 22-28, 2000.
[87]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Motors – An Overview”, Invited Plenary Paper, 4th IEEE Industry Applications Conference INDUSCON, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Nov. 6-9, 2000, pp. SP1-SP9.
[88]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Motors – Performance and Limitations”, Invited Plenary Paper, IEEE IES International Symposion on Industrial Electronics, Puebla, Mexico, Dec. 4-8, 2000, Vol. 1, pp. PL12-PL20.
[89]R. Rösner, J. Holtz and R. Kennel, “Cellular Driver/Snubber Scheme for Series Connection of IGCTs”, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-22, 2001, pp. 637-641.
[90]J. Holtz and J. Quan, “Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motors at Very Low Speed using a Nonlinear Inverter Model and Parameter Identification”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2001.
[91]R. Rösner, J. Holtz and R. Kennel, “Self Powering Driver Circuit for Series Connected Power Semiconductors”, EPE, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Austria, 2001.
[92]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Speed and Position Control of Induction Motors, A Tutorial”, 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON, Denver/Co, Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2001, pp. 1547-1562.
[93]D. Hansen, J. Holtz and R. Kennel, “Cutter Distance Sensor for an Adaptive Position-/Torque Control in Cross Cutters”, IEEE IAS Pulp and Paper Conference, Toronto, June 17-21, 2002.
[94]J. Holtz and J. Quan, “Drift and Parameter Compensated Flux Estimator for Persistent Zero Stator Frequency Operation of Sensorless Controlled Induction Motors”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Oct. 13-18, 2002.
[95]J. Holtz and H. Pan, “Elimination of Saturation Effects in Sensorless Position Controlled Induction Motors”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Oct. 13-18, 2002.
[96]M. Linke, R. Kennel, and J. Holtz, “Sensorless Position Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines without Limitation at Zero Speed”, Prize Paper Award, 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON, Sevilla/Spain, Nov. 5-8, 2002, pp. 674-679.
[97]R. Burgos, E. Wiechmann, and J. Holtz, “Complex State Variable Modelling and Nonlinear Control of Voltage- and Current-Source Rectifiers”, 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON, Sevilla/Spain, Nov. 5-8, 2002, pp. 187-192.
[98]J. Holtz and R. Kennel, “Sensorless Control of Electrical Drives and Standstill and at very High Speed up to 500,000 rpm”, VDMA Conference Mechatronic, Frankfurt/Germany, Feb. 21, 2003.
[99]M. Linke, R. Kennel, J. Holtz, “Sensorless Speed and Position Control of Synchronous Machines using Alternating Carrier Injection”, IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference IEMDC, Madison/Wi., USA, June 1-4, 2003.
[100]J. Holtz, “The Trend and State of the Art in Power Electronics”, PEAC Power Electronics Annual Conference, Hyundai Sungwoo Resort, Korea, July 14, 2003.
[101]J. Holtz, J. Quan, J. Pontt, J. Rodriguez, P. Newman and M. Miranda, “Design of Fast and Robust Current Regulators for Medium Voltage Drives Based on Complex State Variables”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Utah, Oct. 12-16, 2003, pp. 1997-2004.
[102]D. Hansen, J. Holtz, R. Kennel, “Cutter Distance Sensors for an Adaptive Position/Torque Control in Cross Cutters”, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 5, Sep./Oct. 2003, pp. 33-39.
[103]J. Holtz and H. Pan, “Acquisition of Rotor Anisotropy Signals in Sensorless Position Control Systems”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Utah, Oct. 12-16, 2003.
[104]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Speed and Position Control of Induction Motor Drives – A Tutorial”, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON, Roanoke Va., Nov. 2-6, 2003.
[105]J. Holtz, R. Kennel, M. Linke, “Comparison of Sensorless Control Schemes with Carrier Injection for Synchronous Machines”, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON, Roanoke Va., Nov. 2-6, 2003.
[106]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Machines – with or without Signal Injection? ”, Keynote Paper, 9th International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Optimization, Brasov/Romania, May 20-22, 2004.
[107]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Machines at Very Low and Zero Speed”, Invited Paper, St. Petersburg High-Technology Week, St. Petersburg/Russia, June 8-10, 2004.
[108]J. Holtz, R. Kennel, and M. Linke, “Parameter Independent Position/Speed Control of Synchronous of Seervo Motors without the Need for Voltage Sensors”, EPE-PEMC International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga, Sept. 2-4, 2004.
[109]J. Holtz and J. Juliet, “Sensorless Aquisition of the Rotor Position Angle of Induction Motors with Arbitrary Stator Windings”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, Oct. 3-8, 2004.
[110]J. Holtz, “Perspectives of Sensorless AC Drive Technology – from the State of the Art to Future Trends”, Invited Paper, PCIM Europe, Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality, Nürnberg, June 7-9, 2005.
[111]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Neutral Point Potential Balancing Algorithm at Low Modulation Index for Three-Level Inverter Medium Voltage Drives”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, Oct. 2-6, 2005.
[112]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation and Stator Flux Trajectory Control for Medium Voltage Drives”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, Oct. 2-6, 2005.
[113]J. Pontt, J. Rodriguez, P. Newman, A. Liendo and J. Holtz, “Network-Friendly Low Switching Frequency High-Power Three-Level PWM Rectifier”, EPE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Dresden/Germany 2005.
[114]J. Holtz, “Developments in Sensorless AC Drive Technology”, Keynote Paper, PEDS, 6th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia, Nov. 28 - Dec. 1, 2005, pp. 9-16.
[115]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control of Induction Machines – with or without Signal Injection? ”, Keynote Paper, ICIEA, International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Singapore, May 24 - 26, 2006.
[116]J. Holtz, “Front End Converters for Medium Voltage Applications”, Keynote Paper, EuroPES'06 International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Rhodos/Greece, June 26-28, 2006.
[117]J. Holtz, H. Abu-Rub, and H. Schmirgel, “Sensorless Control of Induction Motors for Maximum Steady-State Torque and Fast Dynamics at Field Weakening”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Tampa/Fl., Oct. 8-12, 2006, pp. 96-103.
[118]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Stator Flux Trajectory Tracking Control for High-Performance Drives”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Tampa/Fl., Oct. 8-12, 2006.
[119]J. Holtz, “Initial Rotor Polarity Detection and Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Tampa/Fl., Oct. 8-12, 2006.
[120]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Control – State of the Art and Future Trends”, Keynote Paper, IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics, Chennai/India, Dec. 19-21, 2006.
[121]H. Abu-Rub, H. Schmirgel ang J. Holtz, “Maximum Torque Production in Rotor Field Oriented Control of an Induction Motor at Field Weakening”, IEEE International Symposium on Idustrial Electronics ISIE 2007, pp.1159-1164.
[122]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Estimation of the Fundamental Current in Low Switching Frequency High-Dynamic Medium Voltage Drives”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans/GA., Sept. 24-28, 2007.
[123]H. Abu-Rub and J. Holtz, “Rotor Oriented Nonlinear Control System of Induction Motors operating at Field Weakening”, 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON, Taipei, Nov. 5-8, 2007, pp. 1085 - 1090.
[124]J. Holtz, “Development Trends in Sensorless AC Drive Technology”, Keynote Paper, International Conference on Industrial Technology ICIT, Chengdu/China, April 21-24, 2008.
[125]J. Holtz, “Sensorless Drives with PM Synchronous Machines”, Keynote Paper, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Wuhan/China, Oct. 2008 17-20.
[126]H. Abu-Rub, M.Wlas and J. Holtz, “Speed Sensorless Nonlinear Control of Induction Motor in the Field Weakening Region”, EPE-PEMC, Poznan/Poland, 2008, pp. 1084-1089.
[127]J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, “Optimal Control of a Dual Three-Level Inverter System for Medium-Voltage Drives”, Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Orlando/Fl., Oct. 8-12, 2008.
[128]G. Schmitt, R. Kennel and J. Holtz, “Voltage Gradient Limitation of IGBTs by Optimized Gate-Current Profiles”, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC'08, Rhodos, Greece, June 15-19, 2008, pp. 3592-3596.
[129]T. Boller, R. Kennel, J. Holtz, “Virtual Machine - A Hardware in the Loop Test for Drive Inverters”, 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, Barcelona/Spain, 2009.
[130]J. Holtz, “Digital versus Quasi-Analog Control of Servo Drives”, Keynote Paper, IEEE Conference on Energy and Industrial Systems, Penang, Malaysia, Dec. 7, 2009.
[131]J. Holtz, “Predictive Control of Electronic Power Converters”, IEEE International Conf. on Industrial Technology ICIT, Valparaíso/ Chile, March 7 - 10, 2010.
[132]R. Kennel, T. Boller and J. Holtz, “Increased Power Capability of Standard Drive Inverters by Sequential Switching”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology ICIT, Valparaiso, Chile, March 7, 2010, pp. 769-774.
[133]R. Kennel, J. Holtz, T. Boller, “Sequentially Switched Inverters as Electronic Load for Drive Inverters”, Power Electronics and intelligent Motion PCIM 2010.
[134]A. K. Rathore, J. Holtz and T. Boller, “Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation of Multilevel Inverters for Low Switching Frequency Control of Medium Voltage High Power Industrial AC Drives”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition ECCE, Atlanta/Georgia, Sept. 12 - 16, 2010, pp. 4569-4574.
[135]J. Holtz, “Optimal Control of Medium Voltage Drives”, Keynote Paper, IEEE IES Workshop on Power Electronics in Idustrial Applications and Renewable Energy, Nov. 3 - 4, 2011, Doha/Qatar.
[136]R. Kennel, T. Boller and J. Holtz, “Replacement of Electrical (Load) Drives by a Hardware-in-the-Loop System”, Keynote Paper, International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics ACEMP, Sept. 8 - 10, 2011, Istanbul/Turkey.
[137]A. K. Rathore, J. Holtz and T. Boller, “Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation of a Dual Three-level Inverter System Operated from a Single DC Link”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition ECCE, Phoenix/Arizona, Sept. 12 - 16, 2011.
[138]J. Holtz, “Predictive Inverter Control”, Invited Honorary Talk, IEEE IES Workshop on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Munich, Oct. 14-15, 2011.
[139]J. Holtz, “Optimal Control of Medium Voltage Drives”, Keynote Paper, IEEE IES Workshop in Industrial Applications and Renewable Energy, Doha/Qatar, Nov. 3-4, 2011.
[140]Dynamic Analysis, Modelling and Control of AC Machines, Beijing, April 17, 2012.
[141]T. Boller, J. Holtz, and A. Rathore, “Neutral Point Potential Balancing Using Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation of Multilevel Inverters in Medium Voltage High Power AC Drives”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition ECCE, Raleigh/NC, Sept. 15 - 20, 2012.
[142]J. Holtz, “Predictive Control of Inverters”, Honorary, Keynote Address, PRECEDE, München, Germany, Oct. 17, 2012.
[143]J. Holtz, “Emerging Technologies in Power Electronics”, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Conference IECON, Montreal/Canada, Oct. 25-27, 2012.
[144]J. Holtz, “Control of Medium Voltage Inverters”, Ryerson University, Toronto/Canada, Oct. 22, 2012
[145]J. Holtz, “Control of Medium Voltage Drives”, Keynote Address, IEEE Internat. Conf. on Energy and Control, Dindigul/India, Feb. 6, 2013.
[146]J. Holtz, “Dynamic Analysis and Control of AC Machines”, WEG AutomaÇao, Jaragua do Sul, Nov. 15, 2013.
[147]A. Edpuganti, A. K. Rathore, and J. Holtz, “New Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for Single DC-Link Dual Inverter fed Open-end Stator Winding Induction Motor Drives”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition ECCE, Pittsburgh 2014.
[148]J. Holtz, “Control of Medium Voltage Drives”, Keynote Address, IEEE Conf. on Energy Conversion CENCON, Johor Bahru/Malaysia, Oct. 13, 2014.
[149]J. Holtz “Energy Efficiency for High-Power Electrical Drives”, Tianjing University, May 22, 2018.
[150]J. O. Krah, J. Holtz, and B. Sahan, “Control of a Hybrid IGBT-SiC Inverter”, Invited Paper, 2nd Internat. IEEE Conf. on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Doha/Qatar, Nov. 2019.
[151]J. O. Krah, T. Schmidt and J. Holtz, “Predictive Current Control with Synchronous Optimal Pulse Patterns”, Invited Paper, 2nd Internat. IEEE Conf. on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Doha/Qatar, Nov. 2019.
[152]T. Schmid, J. O. Krah, and J. Holtz, “High-Performance Control Architecture for Automation Drives base on a Low-Cost Microcontroller in Combination with a Low-Cost FPGA”, PCIM Munich 2020
[153]J. O. Krah, and J. Holtz, “Fast Current Limitation with Virtual Synchronous Generators”, 3rd Internat. IEEE Conf. on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Doha/Qatar, Jan. 2024.
[1]Dictation Machine with a One-Way Magnetic Tape. German Patent DE 1 063 823 .(1960).(德国专利)
[2]Method for Firing Control of a Line-Commutated Converter. German Patent DE 20 10 046. (1975).(专利授权地:德国、英国、瑞典、瑞士)
[3]Ironless Inductor for High-Frequency Current. DT 23 29 122 C2 (1974).(德国专利)
[4]Circuit Arrangement for the Operation of a Traction Vehicle with a Synchronous Linear Motor. German Patent DE 23 41 761 C3. (1973).(专利授权地:德国、比利时、法国、英国、日本、加拿大、荷兰、奥地利、瑞典、瑞士、苏联、美国)
[5]Synchronous Linear Motor Drive for a Vehicle Suspended by Magnetic Levitation. German Patent DT 23 46 457 C3. (1975). (专利授权地:德国、比利时、法国、荷兰、美国、加拿大、日本、奥地利、瑞典、瑞士)
[6]Method for the Oscillatory Damping of Magnetically Levitated Train by Controlling the Vertical Force Component of the Synchronous Linear Motor. German Patent OS 23 57 653. (1975). (德国专利)
[7]Synchronous Linear Motor Drive for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle, especially for a Magnetic Train. German Patent DT 23 57 147 C3. (1975). (专利授权地:德国、法国、加拿大、瑞典、瑞士、日本、苏联、美国)
[8]Method and Apparatus for the Remote Sensing of Vertical Oscillations of a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle. German Patent DE 24 06 820 C3. (1978). (专利授权地:德国、法国、瑞典、瑞士、日本、美国、苏联)
[9]Circuit Arrangement for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle. German Patent OS 23 56 679. (1975). (专利授权地:德国、日本、美国、加拿大)
[10]Circuit Arrangement for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Propelled by a Synchronous Linear Motor. German Patent DT 24 44 679 C3. (1977). (专利授权地:德国、加拿大、法国、瑞典、瑞士、日本、美国、苏联)
[11]Arrangement of Guidance Coils for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle. German Patent DE 26 10 538 C3. (1980). (专利授权地:德国、法国、加拿大、瑞典、瑞士、日本、苏联、美国)
[12]Apparatus for Levitation Damping for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle. German Patent DE 26 12 581 C3. (1979). (专利授权地:德国、法国、加拿大、瑞典、日本、苏联、美国)
[13]Track Switch for an Electrodynamically Levitated Vehicle. German Patent DE 26 13 105 C3. (1980). (专利授权地:德国、日本)
[14]Starting and Landing Arrangement for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle. German Patent DE 26 12 599 C3. (1980). (专利授权地:德国、日本)
[15]Power Converter Arrangement for the Generation of a DC Voltage of Controllable Average Value. German Patent DE 30 07 617. (1981). (德国专利)
[16]Self-Controlled Inverter. German Patent DE 23 39 034 C2. (1983). (专利授权地:德国、日本)
[17]Circuit Arrangement for the Generation of a Sinusoidal AC Voltage of Constant Frequency from a DC Bus. German Patent DE 29 35 038 C2. (1984). (专利授权地:德国、奥地利、瑞士)
[18]Method and Apparatus for Optimally Controlling the Sequence of the Switching States in a MultiPhase Static Power Converter. European Patent 82 111 756.5 (1982). (欧洲专利)
[19]Arrangement of Parallel Operated Inverters. German Patent DE 36 02 496 C2 (1988). (德国专利)
[20]Regenerative Snubber for a Three-Level Inverter. German Patent DE 37 43 437 C1, granted 2.3.1989. (1989). (专利授权地:德国、加拿大、芬兰)
[21]Three-Level Inverter with a Lossless Snubber. European Patent O 321 865 B1, (1993).(欧洲专利)
[22]Pulsewidth Modulation Method for a Multilevel Inverter. European Patent 909 008 55.9. (1989). (专利授权地:欧洲、西班牙、丹麦、芬兰、挪威、日本、美国)
[23]Method and Apparatus for the Identification of Resonant Quantities of a Traction Power Converter Fed from the Overhead Supply Line. European Patent 89.116 809.8. (1989). (专利授权地:欧洲、美国、日本、西班牙、丹麦、芬兰、挪威)
[24]Switching Relieved Low-Loss Three-Level Inverter. US Patent 488 1159 (1989), Coinvertors S. Salama, Th. Salzmann. (美国专利)
[25]Method and Apparatus for the Optimal Operation of a Pulsewidth Controlled Converter Fed from the Three Phase Mains. European Patent 90 900 817.9 (1989). (专利授权地:欧洲、美国、日本、西班牙、丹麦、芬兰、挪威)
[26]Method and Apparatus for the Optimal Operation of a Line-Side PWM Inverter. European Patent 0 491 689. (1994). (专利授权地:欧洲、美国、日本、西班牙、丹麦、芬兰、挪威)
[27]Apparatus and Method for Optimal Operation of a Grid Connected Inverter, European Patent (1994). (欧洲专利)
[28]Method and Apparatus for the Generation of Switching State Signals from a Reference Space Vector. European Patent 0 504 449 B1 (1995).(欧洲专利)
[29]Method and Apparatus for the Identification of the Fundamental Current Space Vector from a Measured Stator Current Space Vector. European Patent 0 521 183 B1 (1995). (欧洲专利)
[30]Method and Apparatus for Sensorless Position Measurement of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor. European Patent DE 197 06799 (1997). (欧洲专利)
[31]Method of Braking a Vector Controlled Induction Machine, Control Device for Carrying out this Method and Storage Medium. German Patent 6990 1609.6 European Patent 1 077 527 (2002). (专利授权地:德国、欧洲、美国、中国)
[32]Sensorless Rotor Position Measurement Process and Device for Induction Motors with a Short-Circuit Rotor. European Patent 0 962 045, (2003). (欧洲专利)
[33]Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for Multilevel Inverter Systems. European Patent EP 2 312 739 A1, (2013). (欧洲专利)
[34]Predictive Current Control for the Operation of Motor Drives at Constant Low Switching Frequency.
IEEE杰出讲师计划(IEEE Distinguished Lectures and Tutorials)全球讲学
[73]Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motors at Zero Stator Frequency and at Zero Speed, Shanghai University, Shanghai /China October 25, 2024.
[72]Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motors at Zero Stator Frequency and at Zero Speed, Tsinghua University, Beijing /China October 19, 2024.
[71]Ride-Through at temporary Power interruption, State Grid Research Laboratory, Beijing /China October 19, 2024.
[70]Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motors at Zero Stator Frequency and at Zero Speed, Transportation University, Beijing /China October 19, 2024.
[69]Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motors at Zero Stator Frequency and at Zero Speed, Tsinghua University, Beijing /China October 19, 2024.
[68]History of Power Electronics, Beijing Technical University, Beijing, October 24, 2023.
[67]Predictive Control – when to use and when not, Presentation over the Internet under the scheme “Women in Engineering,” December 16, 2024.
[66]Controlled AC Drives without Speed Sensor – State of the Art and Development Trends, International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE, Montreal/Canada, July 9-13,2006.
[65]Dynamic Analysis and Control of AC Machines, Malaysia Chapter, Universiti Teknologi of Malaysia, May 23, 2006.
[64]Front-End Converters for Medium Voltage Applications, Singapore Chapter, Nanyang University, May 22, 2006.
[63]Neutral Point Potential Balancing for Medium Voltage Three-Level Inverters, Universidad de Concepción, Chile April 24, 2006.
[62]Dynamic Analysis of Induction Machines, Universidad Federíco Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile, April 12-17, 2006.
[61]Sensorless Control of Induction Machines and PM Synchronous Machines, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics ISIE, Dubrovnik, June 20-23, 2005.
[60]Dynamic Analysis and Sensorless Control of AC Machines, Tutorial, PCIM Europe, Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality, Nürnberg, June 7-9, 2005.
[59]Dynamic Analysis and Sensorless Control of AC Machines, 5-day Seminar, Han-Yang University, Seoul, Korea, April 11.-15, 2005.
[58]Modelling and Control of AC Machines, Seminar, Ashok Leyland Ltd., Madras/India, Feb. 27, 2004.
[57]Sensorless Speed and Position Control of Electrical Drives, Tutorial, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Roanoke/Va., Nov. 2-6, 2003.
[56]Power Converter and Controlled Drives Technologies, Seminar, Short Course for KERI Engineers, Virginia Polytechnique and State University, Blacksburg/Va., Sept. 15-19, 2003.
[55]Dynamische Beschreibung von Drehfeldmaschinen mit Hilfe komplexer Zustandsgrössen, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 3.7. 2003.
[54]Sensorless Control Techniques for AC Drives, Hyundai Heavy Industries Research Institute, Seoul, Korea, July 18, 2003.
[53]The Trend and State of the Art in Power Electronics, Power Electronics Specialists Forum, 2003 Power Electronics Annual Conference, July 14-17, Seoul, Korea, 2003.
[52]Optimal Control of High-Power Inverters, Korean Institute of Power Electronics, Seoul, Korea, July 17, 200.
[51]Pulsewidth Modulation, Tutorial, 2003 Power Electronics Annual Conference, July 14-17, Seoul, Korea, July 16, 2003.
[50]Medium Voltage Inverters, Tutorial, Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Seoul, Korea, July 15, 2003.
[49]Geberlose Drehfeldantriebe für sehr niedrige und sehr hohe Drehzahlen. VDMA Frankfurt/Main, 21. Februar 2003.
[48]Dynamische Analyse von Drehfeldmaschinen, Technische Universität Berlin, 26. Juli 2002.
[47]Control de Intensidad en Baja Frequencia de Switcheo, Universidad Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile, July 25, 2002.
[46]Control del Motor de Induccíon sin Sensor alrededor de Frecuencia Zero, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, July 23, 2002.
[45]Position Control of Induction Motors without Sensors, Instanbul Technical University, Turkey, Dec. 13, 2002.
[44]Sensorless Low Speed Control of Induction Motors, IV. Power Electronics Seminar, IEEE Poland Section, Janow Podlaski, Poland, May 14-16, 2002.
[43]Control del Motor de Induccíon sin Sensor, Tutorial, Technical University, Sevilla - Spain, Jan. 17 - 18, 2002.
[42]Sensorless Speed and Position Control of Induction Motors, Tutorial, 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Denver CO, Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2001, pp. 1547 - 1562.
Control del Motor de Induccíon sin Captor de Veloci-dad, Universidad Nacional de México UNAM, Mexico City, Nov. 16, 2001.
[41]AC Drives and Sensorless Control of Induction Motors. Danaher Drives Workshop, Duesseldorf - Germany, June 26-28, 2001.
[40]Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives: Theory, Principle of Operation, Performance, Modelling, Analysis, Design and Applications, Intensive Course, organized through Virgina Polytech, Blacksburg VA, held in Roanoke VA - USA, April 2-4, 2001.
[39]La Dinamica del Motor de Induccíon, Tutorial, Universidad Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile, March 20-21, 2001; Universidad de Concepción, Chile, March 14-15, 2001.
[38]Pulsewidth Modulation – Methods and Performance, Tutorial, 4th IEEE Industry Applications Conference INDUSCON, Porto Alegre - Brazil, Nov. 6-8, 2000, pp. M1-M49.
[37]Sensorless Control of Induction Motors, Tutorial, 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Nagoya, Oct. 22-28, 2000.
[36]Dynamic Analysis of Induction Machines and Methods of Sensorless Control, Intensive Course, Warsaw - Poland, May 22-23, 2000.
[35]Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives: Theory, Principle of Operation, Performance, Modelling, Analysis, Design and Applications, Intensive Course, organized through Virgina Polytech, Blacksburg VA, held in Roanoke VA - USA, April 3 - 5, 2000.
[34]Modulación de Ancho de Pulso para Inversores de Potencia, Intensive Course, Escuela Superior de Ingeniéros, Sevilla - Spain, March 3, 2000.
[33]Sensorless Position Control of Induction Motors, University of Wyoming, Laramie - USA, May 23, 2000.
[32]Dynamics of AC Drives, Seminar, Universidad de La Plata, Argentina, Sept. 3 - 7, 1999.
[31]Sensorless Control and Complex Vector Analysis of AC Drives, Tutorial, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 3 - 7, 1999, Phoenix - USA.
[30]Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives: Theory, Principle of Operation, Modelling, Analysis, Design and Application, Intensive Course, organized through Virgina Polytech, Blacksburg VA, held in Roanoke VA - USA, April 6 - 8, 1999.
[29]Motor Drive/Power System Interaction, Tutorial, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 5 - 9, 1997, New Orleans - USA.
[28]Speed Sensorless Drives, Tutorial, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 5 - 9, 1997, New Orleans - USA.
[27]Insightful Analysis of Sensorless AC Drives based on Complex Space Vectors, Tutorial, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems PEDS'97, Singapore, Mai 26, 1997.
[26]Modulación de ancho de pulso para inversores de potencia, Universidad de La Plata, Argentina, Dec. 2 - 6, 1996.
[25]Speed Sensorless Drives, Tutorial, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 6 - 10, 1996, San Diego - USA.
[24]Panel Discussion “Trends in Power Electronics”. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation IECON, Orlando, Fl./USA. Nov. 6 - 9,1995.
[23]Análisis Dinámico de Máquinas Eléctricas Rotatorias. XX Congreso de la Academia Nacional de Ingeniería, Veracruz/Mexico, Nov. 28 - 29, 1995.
[22]Métodos de Modulación de Ancho de Pulsos para Inversores Trifasicos. IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP, Puebla/Mexico, Aug. 24 - 25, 1994.
[21]Tópicos avanzados de control vectoriál de motores de inducción. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Argentina, May 30 - June 1, 1994.
[20]Pulsewidth Modulation for Electronic Power Converters. Comett Course, The European Program for Education and Training in Technology, June 14 -17, 1994, Braunschweig/Germany.
[19]Pulsewidth Modulation Techniques. European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Brighton, Sept. 12, 1993.
[18]State of the Technology in High Performance AC Drives. Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani/Indien. Feb. 23 - 25, 1993.
[17]Métodos de modulacíon de ancho de pulso para inversores trifásicos. IV Seminario de Electrónica de Potencia, Valparaíso/Chile, Aug. 18 - Sept. 9, 1992.
[16]Panel Discussion “Trends in Power Electronics and Motion Control”. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, Instrumentation and Automation IECON, San Diego, Ca./USA. Nov. 9 - 12, 1992.
[15]Pulsewidth Modulation for AC-Drives. Seminar, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference APEC, Boston, Ma./USA, Feb. 24, 1992.
[14]Técnicas Modernas en el Control de Accionamientos de Alta Potencia. codelco, Companía del Cobre, Chuquicamata, Chile, Nov. 2 - 3, 1989.
[13]Métodos de Análisis, Control y Operación de Convertidores Estáticos con GTOs y Transistores Bipolares de Potencia. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile, Oct. 30 - 31, 1989.
[12]Panel Discussion: Nuevas Tecnologías in el Control de Accionamientos. VIII. Congresso Chileno de Ingenería Electrica, Concepción, Chile. Oct. 23 - 27, 1989.
[11]Convertidores Estaticos de Potencia - Estado de la Tecnología e Interactión Red - Equipo - Carga. IEEE VI. Seminario de la Asociación Chilena de Control Automático, Concepción, Chile. June 22 - 24, 1988.
[10]Fachveranstaltung Moderne Antriebstechnik. Haus der Technik, Essen. Apr. 15 - 16, 1988.
[9]New Developments in Power Electronics and Controlled Drives, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani/Indien. Dec. 5, 1987 - Jan. 9, 1988.
[8]Teoría del los Vectores Espaciales y Control Predictivo de Motores de Inducción. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, January 1986.
[7] Predictive Control and PWM Optimization for Induction Motor Drives. Larsen & Toubro, Nelco, Hind Rectifiers Seminar, Bombay, March 5-6, 1987.
[6]Selected Topics in Power Electronics. Indian Institue of Technology, Madras/Indien, February 25-26,1987.
[5]Modern Trends in Power Electronics and AC Machine Drives. German Academic Exchange Service Alumni Seminar, Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 22 - 28, 1986.
[4]Primer Seminario Nacional sobre Electrónica de Potencia. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, Sept. 24 - 27, 1985.
[3]Control de Accionamientos con Microprocessador. Primér Encuentro Nacional de Ingienería Electrónica, Medellin, Colombia, Dec. 7 - 9, 1984.
[2]Seminario Nacional sobre Control Electrónica de Maquinas AC, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, Nov. 26 - 30, 1984.
[1]Seminario sobre el Control de Accionamentos Electricos. Tunja, Colombia, Apr. 12 - 15, 1983.