社会/学术兼职:国际多学科优化协会ISSMO 会员。Material & Design, Ocean Engineering, International Journal of Computational method, Engineering Optimization 等SCI期刊审稿人。
2011.09-2015.06 湖南大学,车辆工程专业,获学士学位
2015.09-2022.07 湖南大学,机械工程专业,获博士学位
2019.09-2022.08 东巴黎大学 (Université Paris-Est), 法国国家科研中心-多尺度建模与仿真实验室 (MSME UMR 8208 CNRS), 获博士学位 (Docteur en Mécanique)
2022.10-至今 北京科技大学,机械工程学院,A类博士后
[1] Wu, Y., Li, E., He, Z. C., Lin, X. Y., & Jiang, H. X. (2020). Robust concurrent topology optimization of structure and its composite material considering uncertainty with imprecise probability. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 364, 112927.
[2] Wu, Y., Yvonnet, J., Li, P., & He, Z. C. (2022). Topology optimization for enhanced dynamic fracture resistance of structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 394, 114846.
[3] He, Z. C., Wu, Y., & Li, E. (2018). Topology optimization of structure for dynamic properties considering hybrid uncertain parameters. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 57(2), 625-638.
[4] Wu, Y., Lin, X. Y., Jiang, H. X., & Cheng, A. G. (2020). Finite element analysis of the uncertainty of physical response of acoustic metamaterials with interval parameters. International Journal of Computational Methods, 17(08), 1950052.
[5] Wu, Y., Mi, D., Zhang, L. Z., & Cheng, A. G. (2020). Robust topological design of laminated composite plate under interval random hybrid uncertainties. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 61(2-4), 160-184.
[6] Zhou, E. L., Wu, Y.*, Lin, X. Y., Li, Q. Q., & Xiang, Y. (2021). A normalization strategy for BESO-based structural optimization and its application to frequency response suppression. Acta Mechanica, 232(4), 1307-1327.
[7] Jiang, H. X., Wei, B. L., Zhou, E. L., Wu, Y.*, & Li, X. K. (2021). Robust topology optimization for thermoelastic hierarchical structures with hybrid uncertainty. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 44(12), 1458-1478.
[8] Wang, K. X., Zhou, E. L., Wei, B. L., Wu, Y.*, & Wang, G. (2022). An efficient and accurate numerical method for the heat conduction problems of thermal metamaterials based on edge-based smoothed finite element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 134, 282-297.
[9] Chang, G.-B., Wang, C., Wu, Y.*, & Jiang, W.-K. (2022). A topology optimization method based on the edge-based smoothed finite element method. International Journal of Computational Methods.
[10] Hu, H., Wu, Y., Batou, A., & Ouyang, H. (2022). B-spline based interval field decomposition method. Computers and Structures, 272, 106874.
[11] Li, P., Wu, Y., & Yvonnet, J. (2021). A SIMP-Phase field topology optimization framework to maximize quasi-brittle fracture resistance of 2D and 3D composites. Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 114, 102919.
[12] Li, P., Yvonnet, J., & Wu, Y. (2022). Improved fracture resistance of 3D-printed elastoplastic structures with respect to their topology and orientation of deposited layers. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 220, 107147.