社会/学术兼职:Reviews on Advanced Materials Science、Rare Metal Materials and Engineering、稀有金属材料与工程(中文)、材料导报等期刊审稿人,《轧钢》期刊青年编委,中国力学学会会员。
2010.09-2014.07 燕山大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,获学士学位
2014.09-2017.06 燕山大学,机械设计及理论,获硕士学位
2017.09-2022.06 北京航空航天大学,机械设计及理论,获博士学位
2022.08-2024.12 a北京科技大学,机械工程学院,教师博士后
2022.08-至今 a北京科技大学,机械工程学院,讲师
[1]Hechuan Song, Hanjun Gao, Qingdong Zhang, Xiaomin Zhou, and Boyang Zhang. Long-term stress relaxation behaviors and mechanisms of 2219 Al-Cu alloy under various temperatures and initial stresses[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 180(5):174-192.
[2]Hechuan Song, Xiaoke Hu, Junqiang Wang, Xiaomin Zhou, Qingdong Zhang, and Boyang Zhang. Evolution and formation mechanism of residual stress in Al-Cu alloy rings during ring rolling and quenching[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 163: 108578.
[3]Hechuan Song, Zhiying Gao, Xiaomin Zhou, Qingdong Zhang, and Boyang Zhang. Research on the evolution law and control mechanism of residual stress under vibration stress relief[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2024, 40: 110072.
[4]Hechuan Song, Hanjun Gao, Qiong Wu, and Yidu Zhang. Residual stress relief mechanisms of 2219 Al-Cu alloy by thermal stress relief method[J]. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2022, 61(1): 102-116.
[5]Hechuan Song, Hanjun Gao, Qiong Wu, and Yidu Zhang. Effects of segmented thermal-vibration stress relief process on residual stresses, mechanical properties and microstructures of large 2219 Al alloy rings[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, (886): 161269.
[6]Hechuan Song, Yidu Zhang, Qiong Wu, and Hanjun Gao. Low-stiffness spring element constraint boundary condition method for machining deformation simulation[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2020, (34): 4117-4128.
[7]Xiaomin Zhou, Qingxia Xiong, Boyu Jia, Hechuan Song, Qingdong Zhang, and Boyang Zhang. Data-driven flatness presetting control ensemble method for skin pass rolling mill[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2024, 163(2):1-16.
[8]Xiaoke Hu, Xiaomin Zhou, Hongfei Liu, Hechuan Song, Shuaikun Wang, and Hongjia Zhang. Enhanced predictive modeling of hot rolling work roll wear using TCN-LSTM-Attention[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2024, 131(3): 1335-1346.
[9]Xiaoke Hu, Xiaomin Zhou, Hongfei Liu, Hechuan Song, Shuaikun Wang, and Hongjia Zhang. Enhanced online strip crown prediction model based on KCGAN-ELM for imbalanced dataset[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2024, 25: 1627-1637.
[10]Hechuan Song*, Xiaomin Zhou, Qingdong Zhang, and Boyang Zhang. Evolution law and mechanism of residual stress in ring components by cold ring rolling method[J]. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2024, 16(3):164-168.
[11]Lianlian Zhou, Hechuan Song*, Mingjia Zhang, and Yaxing Liu. Key rolling parameters comprehensive setting technique of hot-galvanize temper mill[C]. 2015 international conference on control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence, 2015, (5): 108-112.
[12]宋和川, 周晓敏, 张清东, 熊青霞, 张勃洋. 磁处理对铁磁材料残余应力调控规律及机理研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2024, 60:1-10.
[13]白振华, 宋和川, 钱承, 刘亚星, 杜江城, 华长春. 二次冷轧设备及工艺研究进展[J]. 塑性工程学报, 2016, 23(06): 87-93.
[14]白振华, 宋和川, 侯彬, 刘云峰, 赵伟泉, 王松尧. 冷轧机组升降速过程轧制压力变化模型及其影响因素研究[J]. 塑性工程学报, 2017, 24(03): 135-141.
[15]李欣波, 宋和川, 侯彬, 周莲莲, 钱承, 刘亚星. 热轧带钢与轧辊表面粗糙度横向差异控制技术研究[J]. 冶金设备, 2016(02): 1-4+33.
[1]宋和川, 周晓敏, 张清东, 李海泉, 张勃洋. 金属增材制造构件应力-组织-性能最优协同控制方法[P]. ZL 202211384946.3.
[2]宋和川, 张勃洋, 张清东, 钱凌云, 周晓敏. 基于计算智能的低应力高精度电弧增材工艺控制方法[P]. ZL 202211395464.8.
[3]宋和川, 张勃洋, 周晓敏, 张清东, 钱凌云. 提升增材铝合金及其复合材料可靠性的工艺确定方法[P]. ZL 202211384918.1.
[4]宋和川, 张清东, 周晓敏, 张勃洋, 李海泉. 提高激光选区熔化零部件质量性能的工艺条件设计方法[P]. ZL 202211385156.7.
[5]张以都, 宋和川, 吴琼, 高瀚君. 一种冷轧法消除环件残余应力的工艺参数优化方法[P]. ZL 202011007349.X.
[6]张以都, 宋和川, 吴琼, 高瀚君. 一种环件轧制温度场计算方法[P]. ZL 201911110876.0.
[7]张以都, 宋和川, 吴琼, 高瀚君, 白月龙, 张志峰. 一种环件控温轧制方法[P]. ZL 201911110840.2.
[8]张以都, 宋和川, 吴琼, 高瀚君. 一种厚壁环件差温轧制温控方法[P]. ZL 201911110842.1.
[9]张以都, 宋和川, 吴琼. 一种微量润滑切削加工时冷却润滑工艺参数优化方法[P]. ZL 201810066761.5.
[10]张以都, 宋和川, 吴琼, 高瀚君. 一种热振复合残余应力调控工艺参数的优化方法[P]. ZL 202011007489.7.
[1]机匣零件智能加工编程系统数据继承功能软件v1.0 [CP]. 著作权登记号: 2020SR0210728, 授权公告日: 2019.02.22.
[2]环件径轴向轧制力与力矩计算软件v1.0 [CP]. 著作权登记号: 2020SR1711489, 授权公告日: 2020.10.19.
[3]环件径轴向轧制轧辊进给速度范围计算软件v1.0 [CP]. 著作权登记号: 2020SR1711490, 授权公告日: 2020.10.19.
[4]冷轧钢卷心形卷防治及控制软件v1.0 [CP]. 著作权登记号: 2016SR083109, 授权公告日: 2016.04.21.