2011.09-2015.06 北京科技大学,机械工程及自动化(卓越计划),获学士学位
2017.11-2018.11 英国伯明翰大学,化学工程系储能中心,联合培养博士
2015.09-2022.01 北京科技大学,动力工程及工程热物理,获博士学位
2022.07-至今 北京科技大学,机械工程学院,博士后/讲师
(1) 学术论文
[1] Liu Q., Wu M.D., Ge R.H., He W.P., Cheng Z.Y., Effect of radial clearance on static and dynamic performances of single-structured hybrid gas-magnetic bearing rotor system[J]. ASME. J. Tribol., 2024.(SCI,IF=2.2,JCR Q2区)
[2] Liu Q., Ge R.H., Wang L., Ren T.M., Feng M., Single-structured zero-bias hybrid gas-magnetic bearing and its rotordynamic performance[J].Int. J. Appl. Electrom., 2024, 74(1):79-99.(SCI,IF=1.1,JCR Q3区)
[3] Ge, R.H., Liu Q.*, Digital design and manufacturing of microstructural granular materials[J]. Digital Engineering, 2024, 2: 100008.
[4] Liu Q., Ge R.H., Li C., Li Q., Gan Y.X., Digital design and additive manufacturing of structural materials in electrochemical and thermal energy storage systems: a review[J]. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2023, 18(1): e2273949.(SCI,IF=10.2,JCR Q1区,TOP期刊)
[5] Liu Q., Wang L., Feng M., Clearance compatibility and design principle of the single-structured hybrid gas-magnetic bearing[J]. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2023, 75(10): 1219-1228.(SCI,IF=1.5,JCR Q3区)
[6] Ge R.H., Li Q., Li C., Liu Q., Evaluation of different melting performance enhancement structures in a shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage system[J]. Renewable Energy, 2022, 187: 829-843.(SCI,IF=9,JCR Q1区,TOP期刊)
[7] Liu Q., Wang L., Li Y.Y., et al. Single-structured hybrid gas-magnetic bearing and its rotordynamic performance[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 48: 357-366.(SCI,IF=5.2,JCR Q1区,TOP期刊)
[8] Liu Q., Zhang S.P., Li Y.Y., Wang L, et al. Hybrid gas-magnetic bearings: An overview[J]. Int. J. Appl. Electrom., 2021, 66(2): 313-338.(SCI,IF=1.1,JCR Q3区)
[9] Liu Q., Wang L., Zhang S.P., et al. Quantitative control of the zero-bias-current electromagnetic bearings for lower power consumption[J]. Int. J. Appl. Electrom., 2020, 62(2): 221-242.(SCI,IF=1.1,JCR Q3区)
[10] Liu Q., Wang L., et al. Effect of AMB winding configurations on static and dynamic performances and power consumptions of the AMB-rotor system[J]. Int. J. Appl. Electrom., 2020, 66(1): 75-89. (SCI,IF=1.1,JCR Q3区)
[11] Qiao G., Cao H., Jiang F., She X.H., Cong L., Liu Q., Lei X.Z, Alexiadis A., Ding Y.L., Experimental study of thermo-physical characteristicsof molten nitrate salts basednanofluidsfor thermal energy storage[J]. ES Energy & Environment, 2019, 4: 48-58.
[12] Liu Q., Wang L., Ding Y.L., Neural Network Identification of an Axial Zero-Bias Magnetic Bearing[C]// IMIOT and ICSEE 2018, Chongqing, China, 2018, 478-488.(EI检索)
[1] 刘庆等,基于增材制造三周期最小曲面同心圆管潜热相变储能装置: 中国,
202310950895.4[P]. 2023-07.
[2] 刘庆等,一种刚性支撑和弹性支撑相互转换的磁气混合轴承: 中国, 202310741942.4[P]. 2023-06.
[3] 王立, 刘庆. 一种磁气混合轴承: 中国, 202010210632.6[P]. 2020-07.
[1] 面向3D打印复杂形体网格模型特征分割算法曲面重建软件[CP]. 著作权登记号: 2023SR1000170, 授权公告日:2023-09.
[2] 3D打印缺陷特征识别程序软件[CP]. 著作权登记号: 2022SR0434123, 授权公告日:2022-04.
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