担任Tribology International、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、ACS Applied Nano Materials、Materials Letters、Royal Society Open Science、Journal of Materials and Product Technology、Steel Research International、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等20余个国际知名学术期刊审稿人。
2003.09-2007.07 燕山大学机械工程学院,机械设计制造及其自动化专业,本科,导师:黄文
2007.09-2010.10 北京科技大学机械工程学院,硕博连读研究生,2010年10月国家公派赴澳大利亚攻读博士学位研究生,导师:张杰/曹建国
2010.11-2015.06 澳大利亚卧龙岗大学工学院,机械工程专业,博士研究生,导师:Prof. Anh Kiet Tieu (院士)
2015.07-2017.06 北京科技大学机械工程学院,机械装备与控制工程系,教师博士后,合作导师:张杰
2017.07-2020.06 北京科技大学机械工程学院,机械装备与控制工程系,讲师
2020.07-至今 北京科技大学机械工程学院,机械装备与控制工程系,副教授
(1) Pei Liang, Ning Kong*, Jie Zhang. The differences in microstructure, micro-texture and tensile anisotropy of Ti80 heavy plate across the thickness[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2023, 2201403.
(2) Pei Liang, Jie Zhang, Ning Kong*. A modified Johnson-Cook constitutive model for titanium alloy TA31 and its implementation into FE[J]. Materials Testing, 2023, 65(2): 192-201.
(3) Pei Liang, Jie Zhang, Ning Kong*, Hongbo Li, Hengfei Zhu. The Microstructure Characteristics Evolution of Bulk High-Purity Silver for High Relief Application[J]. Metals, 2023, 2112683.
(4) Boyu Wei, Jie Zhang, Ning Kong*, Shuai Ma, Bo Wang, Runqi Han. Self-docking characteristics and sliding mode control on space electromagnetic docking mechanism[J]. Machines, 2023, 2126102.
(5) Pei Liang, Ning Kong*, Jie Zhang, Hongbo Li. A Modified Arrhenius‐Type Constitutive Model and its Implementation by Means of the Safe Version of Newton–Raphson Method [J]. Steel Research International, 2022, 94(1): 2200443.
(6) Dongshan Li , Ning Kong* ,Ruishan Li, Boyang Zhang, Yongshun Zhang,Zhiguo Wu, Qingdong Zhang. The tribological performance of W-DLC in solid–liquid lubrication system addivated with Cu nanoparticles[J]. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2021, 9(4): 045043.
(7) Boyu Wei, Ning Kong*, Jie Zhang, Hongbo Li, Zhenjun Hong, Hongtao Zhu, Yuan Zhuang, Bo Wang. A molecular dynamics study on the tribological behavior of molybdenum disulfide with grain boundary defects during scratching processes [J]. Friction, 2021, 9 (5): 1198-1212.
(8) Dongshan Li, Ning Kong*, Boyang Zhang, Qingdong Zhang. Comparative study on the effects of oil viscosity on typical coatings for automotive engine components under simulated lubrication conditions [J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2021, 112: 108226 (1-10).
(9) Jie Ren, Ning Kong*, Yuan Zhuang, Jie Zhang, Shuai Ma, Bo Wang, Wei Liu. A review on the interfaces of orbital replacement unit: Great efforts for modular spacecraft [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021: 095441002199308.
(10) Ning Kong*, Chuan Zhao, Jianguo Cao, Qingdong Zhang. A study on potential strip shape control of high - strength steel during hot pinch rolling process [J]. Steel Research International, 2020, 92 (1): 2000140 (1-8).
(11) Ning Kong*, Jiaming Zhang, Jie Zhang, Hongbo Li, Boyu Wei, Dongshan Li, Hongtao Zhu. Chemical- and mechanical-induced lubrication mechanisms during hot rolling of titanium alloys using a mixed graphene-incorporating lubricant [J]. Nanomaterials, 2020, 10 (4): 665 (1-21).
(12) Ning Kong*, Boyu Wei, Yuan Zhuang, Jie Zhang, Hongbo Li, Bo Wang. Effect of compressive prestrain on the anti-pressure and anti-wear performance of monolayer MoS2: A molecular dynamics study [J]. Nanomaterials, 2020, 10 (2): 275 (1-14).
(13) Ning Kong*, Boyu Wei, Dongshan Li, Yuan Zhuang, Guopeng Sun, Bo Wang. A study on the tribological property of MoS2/Ti-MoS2/Si multilayer nanocomposite coating deposited by magnetron sputtering [J]. RSC Advances, 2020, 10 (16): 9633-9642.
(14) Ning Kong*, Jinyu Li, Congfa Zhang, Jie Zhang, Hongbo Li, Haowei Wang, Biao Li, Yuan Wang. A study on mechanical characteristics and self-preservation performance of the deployment mechanism with large exhibition ratio during its gathering process [J]. Materials, 2020, 13 (7): 1650 (1-19).
(15) Ning Kong*, Jie Zhang, Hongbo Li, Boyu Wei, R. G. David Mitchell. The influence of a novel inorganic-polymer lubricant on the microstructure of interstitial-free steel during ferrite rolling [J]. Metals, 2020, 10 (2): 178 (1-13).
(16) Bin Yan, Ning Kong*, Jie Zhang, Hongbo Li. High temperature formability of Ti–4Al–2V titanium alloy under hot press forming process [J]. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6 (12): 126501 (1-12).
(17) Zhaoning Zhang, Ning Kong*, Hongbo Li, Jie Zhang. The migration and reaction of ions during the oxidation of Fe-Si alloy with 0.5 wt% Si at 1000–1200 °C [J]. Materials Research Express, 2018, 5 (6): 066506 (1-9).
(18) Anh Kiet Tieu, Ning Kong*, Shanhong Wan, Hongtao Zhu, Qiang Zhu, David Mitchell, Charlie Kong. The influence of alkali metal polyphosphate on the tribological properties of heavily loaded steel on steel contacts at elevated temperatures [J]. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2015, 2: 1500032 (1-14).
(19) Ning Kong*, Anh Kiet Tieu, Qiang Zhu, Hongtao Zhu, Shanhong Wan, Charlie Kong. Tribofilms generated from bulk polyphosphate glasses at elevated temperatures [J]. Wear, 2015, 330-331: 230-238.
(20) Ning Kong, Jianguo Cao*, Yanping Wang, Anh Kiet Tieu, Lianhong Yang, Anquan Hou, Zebin Wang. Development of smart contact backup rolls in ultra-wide stainless strip rolling process [J]. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2014, 29: 129-133.
(21) Ning Kong, Anh Kiet Tieu*, Hongtao Zhu, Qiang Zhu. Application of solid lubricant during warm rolling process of interstitial free steel. Materials Research Innovations, 2013, 17: 79-84.
(22) 张杰, 孔宁*, 王一博, 宋玉玮. 汽车大梁钢粉状氧化铁皮剥落定量评价分析[J]. 钢铁, 2023, 58 (01): 125-132.
(23) 孔宁*, 杨迪, 张杰, 李洪波, 王一博. 含磷高强钢板拉矫破鳞过程的氧化皮剥离机理[J]. 钢铁, 2021, 56 (01): 59-68.
(24) 李东山,孔宁*,张清东,曹学乾,鲁志斌,万晓娜,林博. 二维纳米石墨烯作为传动油添加剂的齿轮承载性能研究. 表面技术: 1-12 (网络首发).
(25) 庄原, 孔宁*, 任杰, 李洪波. 在轨可更换模块对接接口技术综述[J]. 中国机械工程, 2020, 31 (16): 1917-1930.
(26) 张赵宁, 张杰, 孔宁*, 李洪波. 基于拉矫过程参数组合优化的带钢酸洗效率[J]. 机械工程学报, 2019, 55 (02): 51-63.
(27) 张赵宁, 孔宁*, 张杰, 李洪波. 基于曲率积分法的拉矫工艺参数优化[J]. 塑性工程学报, 2018, 25 (05): 175-184.
(28) 张赵宁, 孔宁*, 张杰, 李洪波. Fe-Si合金钢氧化铁皮的结构对酸洗行为的影响[J]. 中国冶金, 2018, 28 (09): 28-32.
(29) 李秾, 孔宁*, 李洪波, 张杰, 贾生晖, 褚玉刚, 刘海军. SI-FLAT板形仪检测原理的流固耦合振动分析.工程科学学报, 2017, 39(4), 593-603.
(30) 孔政, 孔宁*, 张杰, 李洪波. 双相钢的力学性能和对成形极限的影响. 机械工程学报, 2017, 53(12), 140-146.
(31) Yanlin Li, Jianguo Cao, Ning Kong, Dun Wen, Henghao Ma, Yunsong Zhou. The effects of lubrication on profile and flatness control during ASR hot strip rolling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 91(5-8): 2725-2732.
(32) Li Yanlin, Cao Jianguo, Kong Ning, Wen Dun, Ma Henghao, Zhou Yunsong. The integration effects on flatness control in hot rolling of electrical steel. Steel Research International, 2017, 88(4): 1600208 (1-7).
(33) Anh Kiet Tieu, Shanhong Wan, Ning Kong, Qiang Zhu, Hongtao Zhu. Excellent melt lubrication of alkali metal polyphosphate glass for high temperature applications. RSC Advances, 2015 (5): 1796-1800.
(1) Ning Kong*, Shanshan Liu, Hongbo Li, Jie Zhang. The graphene as friction reduction and antiwear additive in polyphosphate lubricant for elevated rubbing surfaces. In: World Tribology Congress, September 17-22, 2017, Beijing, China.
(2) Ning Kong*, Kiet Tieu, Hongtao Zhu, Qiang Zhu. Tribological Behavior during Rolling of Ultra-low Carbon Steel at Warm Temperature Range with Solid Lubricant. In: Advances in Materials & Processing Technology Conference (AMPT), November 16-20, 2014, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
(1) 曹建国, 孔宁, 朱冬梅, 杨光辉. 薄板坯连铸连轧工艺与设备. 化学工业出版社, 2017.
(2) Cao Jianguo, Zhang Jie, Kong Ning, Mi Kaifu. Finite Element Analysis of Strip and Rolling Mills, Finite Element Analysis, David Moratal (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-123-7, SCIYO. (Book chapter), 2010.
(1) 孔宁, 王浩威, 杨硕, 李潇, 张龙, 牛壮葳, 许怡贤, 邱慧, 苏周, 王晓宇. 变形过程类电磁波正交保持的层叠式弹性空间伸展臂[P]. 中国, 2022-10-28, ZL202110565856.3.
(2) 孔宁, 王波, 马帅, 韩润奇, 庄原, 牛壮葳, 耿智伟. 一种基于电磁式球锁结构的空间对接机构[P]. 中国, 2022-07-12, ZL202110564510.1.
(3) 孔宁, 李伟杰, 牛壮葳, 庄原, 马帅, 任杰. 基于型面导向三爪锁紧动作时序的小型空间对接机构[P]. 中国, 2022-00-05, ZL202110581871.7.
(4) 孔宁, 张从发, 马帅, 李金玉, 黎彪, 于春宇, 张杰, 樊俊峰. 一种空间大伸缩比自展开机构的动作辅助装置[P]. 中国, 2022-03-04, ZL202010328314.X.
(5) 孔宁, 庄原, 王耀兵, 马帅, 任杰, 李林, 张杰, 王波, 王文龙, 刘卫. 一种动作时序解耦的小型空间对接机构[P]. 中国, 2021-12-03, ZL202010257770.X.
(6) 孔宁, 庄原, 任杰, 韩润奇, 马帅, 刘育强, 张杰, 刘希刚, 张立元, 王耀兵. 一种空间在轨可更换模块机电热一体化接口装置[P]. 中国, 2021-03-16, ZL202010268522.5.
(7) 孔宁, 马帅, 张杰, 李洪波, 任杰. 基于嵌入式输料管结构的高强度铝合金臂架及其铰接方式[P]. 中国, 2020-11-27, ZL201910979501.1.
(8) 孔宁, 陈晨, 李洪波, 张清东, 张杰. 一种防止热轧免酸洗汽车大梁钢氧化铁皮粉状剥落方法[P]. 中国, 2019-11-08, ZL201810003351.6.
(9) 孔宁, 王一博, 刘珊珊, 曹建国. 一种基于氧化石墨烯轧制用水基纳米润滑剂及其制备方法[P]. 中国, 2019-10-25, ZL201610991159.3.
(10) 孔宁, 樊柠松, 李洪波, 张杰, 张清东. 一种用于钛及钛合金板带轧制的润滑剂[P]. 中国, 2019-10-22, ZL201810200370.8.
(11) 孔宁, 刘姗姗, 张杰, 李洪波. 一种基于石墨烯强化的液‑固混合润滑剂及其制备方法[P]. 中国, 2019-10-18, ZL201610980813.0.
(12) 孔宁, 黄景辉, 朱伊哲, 张赵宁, 李洪波, 张杰. 一种钢材热轧用环保型无机抗氧化类润滑剂[P]. 中国, 2019-08-13, ZL201610826771.5.
(13) 孔宁, 朱伊哲, 黄景辉, 李洪波, 曹建国, 夏春雨. 一种高温环保型水基离子液体润滑剂[P]. 中国, 2019-07-09, ZL201610821946.3.
先后主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、博士后基金面上项目、中南大学、重庆大学国家重点实验室开放课题、中央高校基本科研业务费、中国空间技术研究院、中石化、马钢等企业技术开发课题10余项;参与国家科技重大专项、国家重点研发计划重点专项、科技部创新方法工作专项、国家发改委项目、澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)研究课题、首钢、梅钢及江苏帝尔保机械有限公司等企业技术开发项目20余项;发表高水平学术论文50余篇;参编英文著作 《Finite Element Analysis》 (book chapter)等2部;第一发明人申请发明专利16项,授权13项;授权软件著作权7项;已参与指导20余名博士及硕士研究生;《钢铁》期刊优秀审稿专家。