(1) 2015.09-2019.06,北京科技大学,机械工程,博士,
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(1) 2021.07-至今, 北京科技大学,机械工程,讲师
(2) 2019.06-2021.06,北京科技大学,博士后
(1) Li Junling#*; Wang Baoyu; Fang Shuang; Chen Ping; A new process chain combining cross-wedge rolling and isothermal forging for the forming of titanium alloy turbine blades, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing technology, 2020, 108: 1827-1838.
(2) Li Junling#*; Wang Baoyu; Fang Shuang; Chen Ping; Investigation of the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of a TC6 alloy blade preform produced by cross wedge rolling. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s4345 2-020-00078-2
(3) Li, Junling#; Wang, Baoyu*; Huang, He; Fang, Shuang; Chen, Ping; Zhao, Jie; Qin, Yi; Behaviour and constitutive modelling of ductile damage of Ti-6Al-1.5Cr-2.5Mo-0.5Fe-0.3Si alloy under hot tensile deformation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 780: 284-292.
(4) Li, Junling#; Wang, Baoyu*; Qin, Yi; Fang, Shuang; Huang, Xu; Chen, Ping; Investigating the effects of process parameters on the cross wedge rolling of TC6 alloy based on temperature and strain rate sensitivities, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 103(5-8): 2563-2577
(5) .Li Junling#; Wang Baoyu*; Huang He; Fang Shuang; Chen Ping; Shen Jinxia; Unified modelling of the flow behaviour and softening mechanism of a TC6 titanium alloy during hot deformation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 748: 1031-1043.
(6) Junling Li, Baoyu Wang, Hongchao Ji, Jing Zhou, Xiaobin Fu, Xu Huang. Numerical and experimental investigation on the cross wedge rolling of powder sintering TC4 alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 94: 2149-2162.
(7) Junling Li, Baoyu Wang, Investigation on the evolution of the alpha phase during cross wedge rolling of TC6 blade perform, Procedia Manufacturing, 17th International Conference on Metal Forming, Toyohashi, Japan, 2018,15:168-175.
(8) Junling Li, Baoyu Wang, Hongchao Ji, Xu Huang, Xuefeng Tang, Weiping Ma. Effects of the cross-wedge rolling parameters on the formability of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017,92:2217-2229.
(9) Ping Chen, Junling Li, Yunlong Li. Effective of geometric micro-groove texture patterns on tribological performance of stainless steel, Journal of Central South University,
(10) Ping Chen, Junling Li, Zhe Shi, Xin Xiang. Numerical optimization of gourd-shaped surface texture and experiment of tribological performance, Journal of Central South University, 2017,24:2773-2782.
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(12) 陈平,李俊玲,邵天敏,项欣,刘光磊.考虑表面张力影响的表面织构最优参数分析.机械工程学报,2016,19(52):123-131.