北京理工大学深圳汽车研究院特聘研究员、中国能源学会专家委员会委员、中国汽车工程学会高级会员、中国电工技术学会高级会员和青年工作委员会委员、IEEE会员和IEEE PES中国区电动汽车技术委员会动力电池技术分委会理事、海南省检测认证学会监事、广东省佛山市青年科学家协会理事、电工技术学会-科普传播专家、Viser专家库(VE)机械工程专业委员会、中国氢能燃料电池百人会会员,以及中国机械工程学会、中国颗粒学会、中国公路学会等学会会员。担任SEGRE2024(智能电气、电网和可再生能源国际会议)分论坛主席、ICTIS 2021(国际交通信息与安全会议)学术委员会委员和分会场主席、CEVVE 2023(国际电动汽车和车辆工程会议)技术委员会委员、EVS 34(第34届世界电动汽车大会)分会场主席等职务。担任《机械工程学报》、《Energy Reviews》、《重庆理工学报(自然科学版)》、《Chian》、《Energy Reviews》等期刊首届青年编委以及《工程科学学报》青年编委,兼任100余个SCI/EI期刊审稿专家。
2008.09-2012.06 青岛大学,机械工程学院,获学士学位
2012.09-2015.06 青岛大学,机电工程学院,获硕士学位
2015.09-2020.07 北京理工大学,机械与车辆学院,获博士学位
2017.10-2019.08 韦恩州立大学(美国),工程学院,博士联合培养
2021.06-至今 北京科技大学,车辆工程系,副教授
2020.07-至今 北京科技大学,车辆工程系,鼎新博士后
2020.08-2021.06 北京科技大学,车辆工程系,特聘副教授
[1]洪吉超著. 动力电池运行安全大数据分析与应用. 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2023.3. 新能源汽车关键技术研发系列)ISBN 978-7-111-72607-4. 中国国家版本馆CIP数据核字(2023)第027505号.
[1]Jichao Hong*, Kerui Li, Fengwei Liang, et al. Research on battery inconsistency evaluation based on improved local outlier factor and fuzzy matrix. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 104: 114572. (IF= 8.907, JCR Q1, TOP)
[2]Jichao Hong*, Fengwei Liang, Jian Yang, ,et al. An exhaustive review of battery faults and diagnostic techniques for real-world electric vehicle safety. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 99: 113234. (IF=9.4, JCR Q1)
[3]Jichao Hong*, Jingsong Yang, Zhipeng Weng, et al. Review on proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Safety analysis and fault diagnosis. Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 617: 235118. (IF= 8.1, JCR Q1, TOP)
[4]Jichao Hong*, Huaqin Zhang, Xinyang Zhang, et al. Online accurate voltage prediction with sparse data for the whole life cycle of Lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 2024, 369: 123600. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP)
[5]Jichao Hong*, Fengwei Liang, Haixu Yang, et al. Multi- Forword-Step State of Charge Prediction for Real-world Electric Vehicles Battery Systems Using A Novel LSTM-GRU Hybrid Neural Network. eTransportation. 2024(20):100322. (IF= 11.9, JCR Q1, TOP)
[6]Jichao Hong, Fengwei Liang, Yingjie Chen*, et al. A Novel Battery Abnormality Diagnosis Method Using Multi-Scale Normalized Coefficient of Variation in Real-world Vehicles. Energy, 2024: 131475. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[7]Jichao Hong*, Fengwei Liang, Huaqin Zhang, et al. Data-driven multi-dimension driving safety evaluation for real-world electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024. (IF= 6.8, JCR Q1, TOP)
[8]Jichao Hong*, Zhenpo Wang, Xinyang Zhang, et al. Collision-Caused Thermal Runaway Investigation of Li-ion Battery in Real-World Electric Vehicles. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2024, 236: 121901. (IF= 6.519, JCR Q1, TOP)
[9]Jichao Hong*, Kerui Li, Haixu Yang, et al. A Novel State of Health Prediction Method for Battery System in Real-world Vehicles Based on Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Networks. Energy, 2024, 289: 129918. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[10]Jichao Hong*, Haixu Yang, Shitao Cui. Sensitivity Analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Based on Fixed Frequency Impedance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2024, 50: 908-920. (IF= 7.2, JCR Q1, TOP)
[11]Jichao Hong, Tiezhu Zhang, Zhen Zhang, et al. Investigation of Energy Management Strategy for a Novel Electric-Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle: Self-Adaptive Electric-Hydraulic Ratio. Energy. 2023: 127582. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[12]Jichao Hong*. Emerging Scientific and Technical Challenges and Developments in Key Power Electronics and Mechanical Engineering. Electronics, 2023, 12(13): 2958. (IF= 2.690, JCR Q2)
[13]Jichao Hong*. Hydrogen Safety for Hydrogen Energy Applications and Large-scale Commercialization. New Energy Exploitation and Application. 2022, 1(3). (IF= 1.9)
[14]Jichao Hong*, Fengwei Liang, Haixu Yang. Research progress, trends and prospects of big data technology for new energy power and energy storage system. Energy Reviews, 2023: 100036. (IF=28.4, JCR Q1)
[15]Jichao Hong*, Haixu Yang, Fei Ma. Multi-forward-step battery voltage prediction for real-world electric vehicles using gated recurrent units[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 73: 109056. (IF= 9.4, JCR Q1)
[16]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Changhui Qu, et al. Investigation on Overcharge-caused Thermal Runaway of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Real-world Electric Vehicles. Applied Energy. 2022, 321(5):119229. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP, 2024 ESI高被引)
[17]Jichao Hong, Huaqin Zhang, Xiaoming Xu. Thermal Fault Prognosis of lithium-ion Batteries in Real-world Electric Vehicles Using Self-Attention Mechanism Networks. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023: 120304.(IF= 6.519, JCR Q1, TOP, 2023 ESI高被引)
[18]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Fei Ma, et al. Thermal Runaway Prognosis of Battery Systems Using the Modified Multi-Scale Entropy in Real-World Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2021, 7(4): 2269-2278. (IF= 6.519, JCR Q1, TOP)
[19]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Wen Chen, et al. Online Accurate State of Health Estimation for Battery Systems on Real-World Electric Vehicles with Variable Driving Conditions Considered. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 294: 125814. (IF= 11.072, JCR Q1, TOP,2023 ESI高被引)
[20]Jichao Hong, Fei Ma, et al. A novel mechanical-electric-hydraulic power coupling electric vehicle considering different electrohydraulic distribution ratios. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021, 249: 114870. (IF= 11.533, JCR Q1, TOP)
[21]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, and Yongtao Yao. Fault prognosis of battery system based on accurate voltage abnormity prognosis using long short-term memory neural networks. Applied Energy, 2019, 251: 113381. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP, 2024 ESI高被引)
[22]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Wen Chen, et al. Synchronous multi-parameter prediction of battery systems on electric vehicles using long short-term memory networks. Applied Energy, 2019, 254: 113648. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP)
[23]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Tiezhu Zhang, et, al. Research on Integration Simulation and Balance Control of A Novel Load Isolated Pure Electric Driving System. Energy, 2019, 189: 116220. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[24]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang*, Changhui Qu*, et, al. Fault Prognosis and Isolation of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles Considering Real-Scenario Thermal Runaway Risks. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 2023, 11(1): 88-99. (IF=5.462, JCR Q1)
[25]Jichao Hong*, Zhenpo Wang, Wen Chen, et al. Multi-fault Synergistic Diagnosis of Battery Systems Based on the Modified Multi-scale Entropy for Electric Vehicles. International Journal of Energy Research. 2019, 43: 8350–8369. (IF= 5.164, JCR Q1, TOP)
[26]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Wen Chen, et, al. Online joint-prediction of multi-forward-step battery SOC using LSTM neural networks and multiple linear regression for real-world electric vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 30: 101459. (IF=9.4, JCR Q1)
[27]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang and Peng Liu. Big-Data-Based Thermal runaway Prognosis of Battery Systems for Electric Vehicles. Energies. 2017, 10 (7):919. (IF=3.252, JCR Q2)
[28]Jichao Hong*, Jingsong Yang, Fengwei Liang, et al. Huang Intelligent Safety Management Technology for Power and Energy Storage Batteries: Advancements and Trends. Chain. DOI 10.23919/chain.2024.000004.
[29]洪吉超*, 梁峰伟, 杨海旭, 李克瑞. 大数据驱动动力电池智能安全管理与控制方法研究. 汽车工程,2023,45(10):1845-1861,1907. DOI:10.19562/j.chinasae.qcgc.2023.10.007.
[30]洪吉超*, 张昕阳, 等. 基于多熵融合的动力电池故障诊断与应用研究. 机械工程学报. 2024,60(12):301-312.
[31]周洋捷, 王震坡, 洪吉超*, 等. 新能源汽车动力电池“过充电-热失控”安全防控技术研究综述. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(10): 112-135.(《机械工程学报》2022年度最受关注论文)
[32]山彤欣, 王震坡, 洪吉超*, 等. 新能源汽车动力电池“机械滥用-热失控”及其安全防控技术综述. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(14): 252-275. (《机械工程学报》2022年度最受关注论文)
[33]Kerui Li, Jichao Hong*, Chi Zhang, et al. Health state monitoring and predicting of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: A review. Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 612: 234828. (IF= 8.1, JCR Q1, TOP)
[34]Huaqin Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Haixu Yang, et al. A semisupervised fault frequency analysis method for rotating machinery based on restricted self-attention network. Structural Health Monitoring, 2024: 14759217241262956. (IF= 4.6, JCR Q1)
[35]Huaqin Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Kerui Li, et al. A fast data analysis method for abnormity detecting of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 84: 110855. (IF= 8.907, TOP)
[36]Yingjie Chen, Huaqin Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et al. Lithium plating detection of lithium-ion batteries based on the improved variance entropy algorithm. Energy, 2024, 299: 131574. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[37]Chi Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Fengwei Liang, et al. Novel Battery State of Health Estimation and Lifetime Prediction method Based on the Catboost model. Energy & Fuels, 2024. (IF= 5.3, JCR Q1)
[38]Chi Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Fengwei Liang, et al. Vehicle trajectory prediction and collision warning for lane change conditions. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2024: 1-26. (IF=2.6, JCR Q1)
[39]Xinyang Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et al. Fault diagnosis of real-scenario battery systems based on modified entropy algorithms. Journal of Energy Storage. 2023: 107079. (IF= 8.907, JCR Q1)
[40]Haixu Yang, Jichao Hong*, Fengwei Liang, et al. Machine learning-based state of health prediction for battery systems in real-world electric vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage. 2023, 66: 107426. (IF= 8.907, JCR Q1).
[41]Haixu Yang, Jichao Hong*, Lingjun Wei, et al. Collaborative Accurate Vehicle Positioning Based on Global Navigation Satellite System and Vehicle Network Communication. Electronics, 2022, 11(19): 3247. (IF= 2.690, JCR Q2)
[42]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et al. Energy Management Strategy of a Novel Parallel Electric-Hydraulic Hybrid Electric Vehicle based on PPO-LSTM and Entropy Evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 403: 136800. (IF= 11.072, JCR Q1, TOP)
[43]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et al. Double deep Q-network guided energy management strategy of a novel electric-hydraulic hybrid electric vehicle. Energy. 2023: 126858. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[44]Jiegang Wang, Haixu Yang, Zhenpo Wang, Yangjie Zhou, Peng Liu, Jichao Hong*. State of health analysis of batteries at different stages based on real-world vehicle data and machine learning[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 88: 111616. (IF= 8.907, JCR Q1)
[45]Jian Yang, Bo Liu, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhang*. Application of energy conversion and integration technologies based on electro-hydraulic hybrid power systems: A review. Energy Conversion and Management. 2022, 272: 116372. (IF= 11.533, JCR Q1, TOP)
[46]Jian Yang, Tiezhu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Jichao Hong*. Electro‐hydraulic Power Switching Control for Mechatronics‐Electro‐Hydraulic Power Coupling Electric Vehicles Considering Optimal Speed Thresholds. Energy Technology, 2023, 11(9): 2300082. (IF= 4.149, JCR Q1)
[47]Jian Yang, Bo Liu, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhang*. Multi-parameter controlled mechatronics-electro-hydraulic power coupling electric vehicle based on active energy regulation. Energy, 2022: 125877. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[48]Lei Zhao, Jichao Hong*, Jiaping Xie, et al. Investigation of local sensitivity for vehicle-oriented fuel cell stacks based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Energy, 2022: 125381. (IF=8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[49]Renzheng Li, Hui Wang, Haifeng Dai, Jichao Hong*, et al. Accurate state of charge prediction for real-world battery systems using a novel dual-dropout-based neural network. Energy, 2022, 250: 123853. (IF=8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[50]Lei Zhao, Jichao Hong*, et al. A novel pre-diagnosis method for health status of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack based on entropy algorithms. eTransportation, 2023: 100278. (IF= 11.9, JCR Q1, TOP)
[51]Renzheng Li, Jichao Hong*, Huaqin Zhang, et al. Data-driven battery state of health estimation based on interval capacity for real-world electric vehicles. Energy, 2022: 124771. (IF=8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[52]Jian Yang, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhang*, et al. Research on Driving Control Strategy and Fuzzy Logic Optimization of a Novel Mechatronics-Electro-Hydraulic Power Coupling Electric Vehicle. Energy, 2021: 121221. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[53]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*,et al. Entropy-based torque control strategy of Mechanical–Electric–Hydraulic Power Coupling Vehicles. Control Engineering Practice. 2023, 133: 105437. (IF= 4.057, JCR Q1)
[54]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et al. Energy management strategy of a novel electric–hydraulic hybrid vehicle based on driving style recognition. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 2023, 7(2): 420-430. (IF=6.813, JCR Q1)
[55]Xiaoming Xu, Xinyang Zhang and Jichao Hong*. Research on the Effects of Different Electrolyte Ratios on Heat Loss Control in Lithium-Ion Batteries. Electronics 2023, 12(8): 1876. (IF= 2.690, JCR Q2)
[56]Zhenpo Wang, Jichao Hong, Peng Liu, et al. Voltage Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis of Battery Systems Based on Entropy and Z-score for Electric Vehicles. Applied Energy. 2017, 196: 89-302. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP)
[57]Haixu Yang, Xiaoming Xu, Jichao Hong*. Automatic Parking Path Planning of Tracked Vehicle Based on improved A* and DWA algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2023, 9(1): 283-292. (IF= 6.519, JCR Q1)
[58]Jie Zhou, Tiezhu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Jian Yang. Energy Management Strategy for Electro-hydraulic Hybrid Electric Vehicles Considering Optimal Mode Switching: A Soft Actor-Critic approach trained on a multi-modal driving cycle[J]. Energy, 2024: 132172.
[59]Huaqin Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Zhezhe Wang, et al. State-Partial Accurate Voltage Fault Prognosis for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Self-Attention Networks. Energies. 2022, 15, 8458. (IF= 3.252, JCR Q2)
[60]张华钦,洪吉超*,陈德龙. 基于稀疏数据的电动汽车动力电池热故障预警. 汽车技术, 2022(11): 24-34.
[61]Yue Wang, Keqiang Li, Xiaohua Zeng*, Bolin Gao, Jichao Hong*. Energy Consumption Characteristics Based Driving Conditions Construction and Prediction for Hybrid Electric Buses Energy Management. Energy, 2022, 245: 123189. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[62]Qian Xu*, Caixia Yang, Gang Li, Dengke Zhao, Di Yang, Lidong Zhu, Huachao Yang, Jichao Hong*, Weiwang Chen, Yulong Ding. Numerical investigation on enhanced heat transfer performance of latent functional thermal fluid under phase transition and local motion microscale effects. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024: 124323.
[63]Peng Lin, Zhenpo Wang*, Peng Jin, Jichao Hong*. Novel Polarization Voltage Models: Accurate Voltage and State of Power Prediction. IEEE Access.2020, 8(1): 92039-92049. (IF= 4.098, JCR Q1)
[64]Yue Wang*, Keqiang Li, Xiaohua Zeng, Bolin Gao, Jichao Hong*. Investigation of novel intelligent energy management strategies for connected HEB considering global planning of fixed-route information. Energy, 2022: 125744. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[65]Zewen Meng, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhan, et al. Composite Braking Control Strategy of a Novel Electromechanical-hydraulic Coupling Driving Electric Vehicle. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. Doi: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2021.00480. (IF = 3.938, JCR Q1)
[66]Shanxiao Du, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhang*, et al. Research on Cavitation of the Rotating-Sleeve Distributing Flow System Considering Different Cam Groove Profiles. Energies, 2021, 14(8): 2139. (IF= 3.252, JCR Q2)
[67]Peng Lin, Peng Jin, Jichao Hong* and Zhenpo Wang*. Battery voltage and state of power prediction based on an improved novel polarization voltage mode. Energy Reports, 2020, 6: 2299-2308. (IF= 4.937, JCR Q2)
[68]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Hong Jichao*, Hongxin Zhang and Jian Yang. Energy Management Optimization of Master–Slave Hybrid Electric Vehicle under Rule‐Based Control Strategy. Energy Technology, 2022, 10(10): 2200630. (IF= 4.149 , JCR Q1)